Emotional Causes of Cancer (Dolores Cannon)

So now I brought up the subject of the breast cancer, and asked if she was correct in what she thought was the cause of it. “Yes, she was very hurt by several people when she was little, but she was also very loved. And sometimes she thought about those that didn't love her, and manifested the tumor in the breast.” This goes along with what I have found, that the breast represents nurturing. And the left side of the body means it related to something coming from her past. “She thought she wasn't loved, when in fact, she was very much loved.”

(The Convoluted Universe book 4)

She had also had breast cancer, and had surgery. The SC told us the cause, “She missed her children. They've all moved out and gone. She had nothing to nurture. She never wanted children, but when she had, them she just loved them so much.” It was a shame that Rachel couldn't have known this before having the surgery, but, of course, we never know what our bodies are trying to tell us. There would now be no more problems with cancer.

(The Convoluted Universe book 4)

I had a man client who was very ill with cancer in every part of his body. In my work, I have found that cancer is often caused by suppressed anger. By holding anger in (especially if the cancer is in the abdomen or intestinal area) and not expressing it. When this happens, the anger just begins to churn, and finding no release, it begins to eat away at the body. Every time the doctor operated and eliminated the cancer in one part of the man’s body it would reappear in another part. It seemed to be a never-ending cycle. So I asked him, “Are you angry about something?” He almost shouted, “Certainly. It’s my ex-wife! I hate her!! She has the children and she won’t let me see them!” Then I talked to him about forgiving and letting the anger go. “I can’t forgive! If I do, then she has won!” I looked him straight in the eyes, and said, “If she kills you, she will win.”

(The Convoluted Universe book 3)

Lucinda wanted to go home. And she created the cancer as a way to get out, to go home.

(The Convoluted Universe book 2)


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