Do Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces Really Work? Evidence-Based Benefits

Helsingin Sanomat recently wrote about anti-snoring mouthguards. Hammer thrower Henri Liipola shared his positive experience in the article. He felt that his recovery has improved and his energy levels increased. This caught my interest!

What are anti-snoring mouthguards?

Anti-snoring mouthguards, also known as mandibular advancement devices (MAD), or anti-snoring mouthpieces, are devices worn in the mouth throughout the night. They are designed to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality. They work by pushing the lower jaw and tongue forward, which opens the airways and prevents them from becoming obstructed during sleep.

The impact of anti-snoring mouthguards on snoring

Several studies have shown that anti-snoring mouthguards can significantly reduce snoring. For example, a systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2023 (source) found that these devices significantly reduce snoring and breathing interruptions, as well as daytime sleepiness. The meta-analysis also noted that using a snoring mouthguard can have a blood pressure-lowering effect. Based on these findings, snoring and sleep apnea devices can be considered a potential non-pharmaceutical intervention as part of cardiovascular disease treatment.

The impact of anti-snoring mouthguards on sleep quality, alertness, and mood

Liipola mentioned that the improvement in sleep quality immediately affected his daily life. He felt more energetic throughout the day. “I no longer need to constantly push myself with thoughts like, ‘One more workout and then the week's training is done.’ Earlier, I always had to gather myself before leaving the house,” Liipola commented. (Helsingin Sanomat)

According to Helsingin Sanomat, anti-snoring mouthguards not only reduce snoring but can also improve sleep quality. Studies (source) show that using these devices can reduce snoring and nighttime breathing interruptions and improve sleep quality, reducing daytime fatigue—which can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

It has been noted that the snoring and sleep apnea mouthguard is much easier for users compared to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. Therefore, over the long term, because adherence to treatment is higher due to its ease of use, the snoring and sleep apnea mouthguard can outperform CPAP therapy in effectiveness. Studies often show that CPAP performs better than the mouthguard, but considering better compliance with the mouthguard, both treatments can be equally effective (source).

A study published in 2013 (source) compared sleep apnea and snoring mouthguards to CPAP therapy and found that both treatments similarly reduced daytime sleepiness, improved driving simulator test results, and enhanced quality of life.

In addition to its ease of use, the mouthguard is also a more cost-effective treatment compared to CPAP therapy and is often more easily and quickly accessible for many. I can order a mouthguard today, and it will be in my mailbox in three days. Getting CPAP therapy would take a much longer path.

Where can you buy anti-snoring mouthguards?

Anti-snoring mouthguards are sold at pharmacies, and you can browse many options on Amazon.

The best rated anti-snoring mouthpiece on Amazon is this one: 4.4 stars out of 5!


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