What Is Vibration – a Spiritual Metaphor or a Physical Phenomenon

Is vibration, or vibrational frequency – a term used to indicate one’s spiritual state – a metapohor or a physical phenomenon?

It seems like everyone is speaking about vibration: “Raise your vibration!” “This and that does this and that to your frequency!” But when you ask what they actually mean with that, they come up with “you know, everything is energy, so you vibrate at a certain frequency”. Okay. Yes. Can you go further? My whole body is emitting one frequency? Is it same than brainwaves? What is the unit? Can you measure one’s vibration?

My vibration as something that indicates my state of spiritual evolution – What is that?

It seems like nobody really knows what they are talking about when they talk about human vibration.

I asked an AI to speculate on the idea that "vibration" is not just a metaphorical and non-measurable concept, but instead something rooted in physics. As a basis for this exploration, I provided the following quote:

"In his recent transmission, 'The Contact Fulcrum,' Bashar says that the average vibration of an earth human is 40,000 to 60,000 Hz (cycles per second). On multiple occasions when Bashar followers ask Bashar what their vibration is at that moment, he has quoted vibrations ranging from 135,000 to about 165,000 Hz. Someone once went into an altered state and asked how high their frequency was, and Bashar said '183,000 Hz pure.' The person’s normal frequency was 163,000 Hz just before going into the altered state."

If "Vibration Frequency" Were a Measurable Phenomenon

If we assume that vibration frequency (Hz) is not just a metaphorical concept but a concrete and measurable phenomenon, we must explore what this could mean from a physical and scientific perspective. Below, we speculate on the possibilities if a human's "vibration" truly represented a measurable frequency in cycles per second (Hz) and how this might relate to the states of the body, mind, or consciousness.

1. Human Bioenergy and Cellular Electrical Activity

If we consider a human's "vibration" as a tangible frequency, one possible explanation could be related to bioenergetic processes and electromagnetic phenomena in the body. The human body generates a variety of electrical signals and vibrations, such as those from the heartbeat (ECG), brain waves (EEG), and muscle electrical activity (EMG). All these are measurable electrical signals with their own frequencies, typically in the range of 0.5–100 Hz.

  • Cell Membrane Vibrations: All cells in the body are electrically active. Cell membranes maintain voltage differences using ions like sodium and potassium. These membrane potentials can generate weak electrical waves that could, in principle, be described as vibrations. If we assume that all the cells in the body vibrate synchronously or at a certain harmonic frequency, we might speculate that there could be an "overall vibration frequency" of a person that is greater than the vibrations of individual cells.

2. Brainwave Frequencies and States of Consciousness

The electrical activity of the brain can be measured in various brainwave patterns (e.g., alpha, beta, delta, and gamma waves) that correspond to different states of consciousness. Gamma waves, the fastest brainwaves (typically 30–100 Hz, sometimes measured up to 200 Hz), are associated with heightened states of consciousness, such as deep meditation or focused thought.

  • Cumulative Frequency Aggregation: If the vibration frequencies suggested by Bashar and others (such as 135,000 Hz or 183,000 Hz) are not just metaphors, we could speculate that these frequencies represent a more complex, harmonically layered electromagnetic phenomenon. For example, the interaction of different brainwaves, heartbeats, and other electrical signals in the body might create higher frequencies or their harmonics that could reach the stated frequencies.

3. Microwave Frequencies and Quantum Biology

If the vibration frequency is as high as 40,000–183,000 Hz (i.e., 40–183 kHz), it could suggest phenomena occurring at the lower end of the ultrasound and microwave range. In this speculation, we might be dealing with some kind of biological or quantum mechanical process:

  • Quantum Biology and Biological Microwaves: Certain theorists in quantum biology have speculated whether specific quantum effects, such as the resonances of quantum jumps of electrons or vibrations of proteins and DNA, could produce extremely high-frequency vibrations in the body. Under certain conditions, these vibrations could potentially be measurable in the microwave range, which might align with the frequencies suggested by Bashar.

4. Resonance Theory and Collective Vibration

Another speculation could relate to resonance theory, where each person has their own "resonant frequency," and this frequency might be connected to the collective state of the mind, body, and energy. If we imagine that each part of the body vibrates at a particular frequency and these frequencies synchronize collectively, a higher frequency could emerge that is greater than the sum of its parts.

  • Combining Quantum Physics and Consciousness: Some theories in quantum physics suggest that consciousness might be fundamentally a quantum phenomenon linked to the fundamental fields of the universe. In this case, a person’s vibration frequency could reflect this deeper quantum connection, comparable to a resonance that could be imagined vibrating at a very high frequency.

5. Interactive Energy Fields and Dimensions

Some spiritual and esoteric teachings suggest that humans are not merely physical beings but also energetic beings with multiple "energy bodies" (e.g., aura, chakras). These energy bodies are thought to operate at specific frequencies that might extend beyond conventional physical measurement.

  • Interdimensional Resonance: If we consider that these energy bodies vibrate in different dimensions or planes, it is possible to speculate that a high frequency (e.g., 183,000 Hz) refers to something connected to these other dimensions or states of consciousness. This could mean that a person vibrating at a higher frequency is more "in alignment" with the higher dimensions of consciousness or reality.

[Juhani: "It is said that the height of vibration correlates with the breadth of consciousness. And that a high vibration and alignment with one's Higher Self go hand in hand. Can you continue this speculation further in that direction?"]

If we start with the idea that the "height" of vibration correlates with the breadth of consciousness, and that a high vibration signifies a connection with one's Higher Self, we can further speculate along the following lines, linking vibration levels, the expansion of consciousness, and connection to higher dimensions or realities.

1. Vibration Frequency and State of Consciousness

In the concept of higher vibration, one could think that the state of consciousness is not static but can expand or contract depending on the individual's emotional, spiritual, and energetic state. A higher vibration frequency might indicate that the individual is more attuned, intuitive, and aware, allowing them to perceive reality more broadly and multidimensionally. Thus:

  • High Vibration and Resonance with Higher Dimensions: A higher vibration frequency might enable an individual to resonate with different levels or dimensions of consciousness. This could mean that the person is able to receive knowledge or understanding that transcends ordinary sensory perception and logic and is in alignment with their Higher Self, which operates at higher levels of consciousness.

2. High Vibration and Connection to the Higher Self

A high vibration could indicate a stronger and clearer connection to the Higher Self. The concept of the Higher Self often refers to the idea that there is a higher aspect of ourselves that is already fully aware, wise, and "one" with universal consciousness.

  • Creating and Maintaining Connection: When the vibration frequency rises, the individual may be closer to the frequency of their Higher Self. This could mean more intuitive guidance, more creative ideas, deeper spiritual understanding, or even connection to dimensions where the Higher Self "resides." In such a state, the person may feel more "in alignment" with their higher goals, values, and soul path.

3. Energy Bodies as "Antennas" of Consciousness

We continue this speculation with the idea that the human energy bodies function as "antennas" that receive and transmit information at different frequencies and dimensions:

  • The Role of Energy Bodies in Creating Resonance: These energy bodies could be thought of as radio receivers that can tune into different frequencies. The higher the vibration frequency of a person's energy bodies, the wider the spectrum of consciousness and energy they can reach. In this case, a highly vibrating person might experience reality on different levels, connect with other dimensions, or "resonate" with higher consciousness.

  • Interdimensional Information Transfer: It is suggested that different dimensions or realities have their own vibration frequencies and that the fields or dimensions of higher consciousness vibrate at much higher frequencies than earthly, physical reality. If a person's vibration frequency rises high enough, they could resonate with these higher dimensions and receive information, inspiration, guidance, or even healing from these sources.

4. High Vibration and Manifestation

Many spiritual teachings believe that a higher vibration not only increases awareness and connection to higher dimensions but also affects a person's ability to manifest or create their reality:

  • The Law of Vibration and Manifestation: The thoughts and intentions of a person with a higher vibration frequency may "resonate" more strongly with the fundamental energy of the universe, causing their intentions and desires to manifest more easily. This might be because highly vibrating individuals are less resistant and more in sync with universal energy, allowing manifestation to occur more smoothly and quickly.

  • Alignment with the Universe: If a person is "aligned" with their Higher Self and vibrates at a high frequency, their personal energy and intentions are in sync with universal energy, enhancing their ability to create the reality they desire.

5. High Vibration and Evolution of Consciousness

Through a higher vibration, an individual can be part of the evolution of consciousness, where people collectively raise their energy levels and move into new dimensions of consciousness:

  • The Individual's Impact on the Collective: If individuals with high vibrations can resonate with higher levels of consciousness, they can help raise the collective energy level and consciousness. This can manifest as a societal shift where people begin to recognize higher purposes and connections in their lives and move toward a lifestyle based more on love, compassion, and unity.

  • Evolution to a Higher Dimension: In this speculation, highly vibrating individuals are not only developing themselves but also helping humanity as a whole move toward a "higher dimension" or a "higher earthly consciousness," which resonates with the universe's higher vibrations.


If we consider that the height of vibration is a concrete and measurable phenomenon, it could indicate a person's ability to resonate with higher levels of consciousness and energy. This resonance could strengthen the connection to the Higher Self and open up new possibilities for the evolution of consciousness, manifestation, and collective development. Achieving a higher vibration could thus be both a personal and collective journey toward greater understanding, connection, and purpose in existence.


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