For What Purpose Were the Pyramids Built For? And How?

Dolores Cannon was a reporter, dedicated to bring back lost and hidden knowledge.

She worked as an regression therapist.

These conversations are between her (D) and and her clients who under hypnosis channeled their Higher Selves.

We thank Dolores for her brilliant job!

The quotes are from her Convoluted Universe -series of books.

D: Could you tell me who built the Great Pyramids in Egypt, and why? And how they built them?

P: This has been given in many previous channelings. This is a monument to the accomplishments or pinnacle of success of the previous civilization to the succeeding generations. A mile marker to their achievement, a symbol of their success. The epitome of their understanding of the nature of reality. The fact that this monument remains a mystery indicates to the successive generations their lack of understanding. At such time as this pinnacle is understood, then the technology of that generation will have achieved a sufficient level of awareness, to be given the succeeding information, of which the pyramid speaks very little of. It is a litmus test for that generation. Such that the higher energies in charge of the dissemination of energies can perceive that the generation current on the planet at that time has reached a sufficient level of understanding, that they be given the remainder of the information available. Until the complete understanding of the pyramid has been reached, it would be premature to allow the dissemination of the information which has been held. 

D: I was interested in how these pyramids were built. Can you see that? 

P: Can you see that? (Laugh) It has been already surmised through levitational means and electro-magnetic propulsion of many different sorts, including the use of tones and mental resonance. To further elaborate would be useless, as your level of understanding has not been raised to the point that you could comprehend that which we would give you. Therefore when you through your own attempts at understanding, have pulled yourself up to that level, such that you can understand these higher order realities, then you shall be given a more complete understanding. You must build your foundation before you can build your house. 

D: That makes sense. I've heard it was done by music. Would that be going along with what you said about tones? 

P: Music in the sense of tones, not in the sense of song. 

D: Are these tones becoming more feasible with our synthesizers existing today? They are capable of generating tones we could not generate before. 

P: Not so in the sense of simple sonic or vibrational realities. However conceptual realities, the tone of mental energies. Your mental energy resonating at a single particular tone; the concept of a tone; being that your mental energy is not random noise, as many now operate on. But that your mental energy could be focused such that it is resonating at a particular tone. Not noise or even harmony. Although many chords of mental energy are possible with the further realization of the concept of mental tones. Such that these mental tones in unison generate a tremendous powerful energy which is capable of literally splitting your Earth in two, were a sufficient number of beings to join in a common effort. It would be as the destruction of Atlantis again. 

D: Would this go along with what we have been told of how the extraterrestrials are able to propel their craft? Through mental concentration. 

P: That is accurate. 

D: It's the same energy? 

P: Not the same energy. The same concept, however, practiced in a different form. 

D: Do the pyramids act only as monuments, or do they fit a useful need in the energy in nature? 

P: They are a psycho-reactive element of the energy on your planet. Somewhat of a stimulus to those on your planet, who through their own actions attempt to raise their level of awareness to that level of which the pyramid resonates. It was a stimulus, not simply in conceptual terms, but in reactive terms. The energy on your planet is somewhat amplified by tuning in to and trying to understand the conceptual realities of these pyramids. 

D: Is it true that the pyramids are also a energy transmitter to other planets, or even other galaxies? 

P: That is accurate. The energy streaming on to your planet is focused by this geometric design, far more than the concept of "perfect" can even approach. However, the square, or even cube, of the concept of perfect or perfection, such that the resonance of this perfection reaches beyond three dimensional realities. The most absolute truth that could possibly be attained on your lower realities, stretching beyond simply your three dimensional realities. This truth then is sensed in other areas of your galaxy. The energies streaming to and from your planet are directed or homogenized by this truth. Truth being somewhat like a polarizing filter. These conceptual analogies are inaccurate in the sense that, in your understanding, they have no basis for common denominators. However we are simply trying to allow you to understand in terms that you can perceive, the fact that truth is not simply an abstraction. It is a reality. Truth is far more real than abstract, and can be utilized. The concept of truth, on your terms, is simply abstract. In reality there is a true cause and effect of that which you call "truth". This truth then becomes somewhat like a filter, or perhaps even a reflector. Much as you might reflect perhaps a laser beam. That laser being the coherent light of one particular wave length or spectrum even, reflecting off perhaps a mirror or seismic device on your moon. The analogy here being the reflecting device on your moon would equate to this pyramid. And the concept or conceptual stream of truth, universal truth, reflects off this pyramid. On your planet there is this reflector of higher truths, higher knowledge. Such that those who would turn their gaze toward your planet, can see this reflection of truth. Therefore someone on your planet had at some point been on this higher level of truth, your planet then or thus has a reflector of higher levels of truth. Again, truth being far more than simple abstraction. 

D: I think I got more of an answer than I planned for. (Laugh)

From another book:

I: … They are ancient, ancient, ancient. More than you can think about. It was done with a form of light energy. Those big stones that you see were done with light energy.

D: Did your people from Sirius do it, or did you teach the others how to do it?

I: We were partly responsible. But some of the species that we created by intermarriage also resonated with some of our frequencies. And they too could work with the light energy, and teleport most of those massive stones and structures. And design things exactly and in accordance with what we had planned, so that they were in alignment with the planet, and in alignment with Sirius. And in alignment with receiving the frequencies and energies with whoever went into these huge temples. They were really temples of healing. They are not, like people think, temples of burials. They are not.

Jane said the same thing in Chapter Three, “The Cat People.”

D: I’ve never thought they were tombs.

I: They are not where people go after they die. They are temples to raise frequencies. To raise energy. That’s what they’re for. Much of the energies are not as powerful as they were, but there is some frequency left. What has happened over time is that people have come in with changes in energies and vibrations. And they have spoiled much of the original essence of those temples. They have debased it.

D: Many years have gone by too. That would make a difference, wouldn’t it?

I: It does to a certain extent. But if the people had gone there with pure intention, then their vibration would have been much, much higher. And it would have remained as it was done, and would have assisted many, many, many people.

D: But the world didn’t stay that way.

I: It didn’t. They have made the energies and the vibrations so tainted, all life forms. And they have polluted the ocean. They have polluted the land, the rivers, everything. Everything. The oceans, the forests, the mountains, their energy is everywhere. We breathe in those things too. It’s everywhere. It’s everywhere. Everything alive is affected.

D: You can’t get away from it now.

I: No, it’s everywhere, everywhere.

This was making her upset again. I had to change the subject.

D: I have been told that in Atlantis they had the abilities to do things with their minds.

I: They misused their minds. They worked a lot with crystals. They used the light of crystal energy to do much of their work. They were open to this, but they didn’t know as much as we did. They didn’t know as much of the light therapy, as they knew of the crystal energy that they worked with. They misused the crystal energy. After the destruction, we showed them how to do things the right way, and to clear their minds.

D: What about the Sphinx? Was that built about the same time as the pyramids?

I: The Sphinx was built about the same time, within maybe a thousand years. The Sphinx was built more by the Atlanteans, because they used the Sphinx for some of the burial sites. You will notice there are chambers under the Sphinx that were used for burial sites, or what you would also call “tombs”. That was the purpose of the Sphinx. And the lion was the protector of those tombs. That was the Atlantean belief system. It depicts the lion energy. The lion is the king of the beasts. And it is supposed to be protecting and roaring at any would-be grave or tomb robbers.

D: They have found some hidden chambers underneath the Sphinx.

I: There are many, many more that they still need to find. And as far as the Hall of Records, it is not under the Sphinx. It is under the main pyramid. There are also tunnels under there. Many, many tunnels that lead to far off places in the middle of this planet. To races that you don’t know about. You can be led from those tunnels to other races that inhabit this planet, that live below the surface. The underground cities will be expanded upon in the next chapter.

D: But the people now that are in charge of the pyramid don’t know these things exist?

I: They are aware of certain things, but because of the belief system, because of the religious doctrine that they have, they don’t want people to know they’ve had past lives. That they’ve been other life-forms. That it is not their religion that reigns supreme. That there are other forms of worship other than their form of worship. That there are other means of going to Source than only their means of going to Source. (bolded by Juhani.)

D: Are they aware of the openings to go beneath the surface?

I: Oh, they are aware of the tunnels. Some they have closed. There are some that are open. But they are afraid of bringing that into the public. As well as being afraid of the unknown themselves.

D: So they don’t let people know the tunnels are there. (Yes) But they can be accessed from within the pyramid?

I: They can be accessed only from the great pyramid.

D: But they have never explored them themselves, because they are afraid?

I: They are very, very afraid of the unknown. If they bring this to the Westerners, then the Westerners are not as – what you would call – “chicken”. They are not afraid to explore. They may have ways and means of going through this tunnel without suffocating, or being asphyxiated. They would be able to go through these tunnels, but they would be wiser not to. Because these tunnels are very, very long. Miles and miles long. They don’t want anyone to know about them. Number one would be the risk. And number two would be because of the belief system.

D: Were your people responsible for building these tunnels?

I: Yes, we were. It was very simple for us. We just used light energy. And our form of transportation too was very, very simple. We travel through light.

D: When you made the tunnels did you use your craft?

I: We didn’t necessarily have to use the craft. We could just mentally envision what we wanted to do. And then create it with our minds.

D: Why did you make them go under the Earth?

I: There was a surface species that wanted to experience that. They were a very evolved species. They wanted to be away from the madness on the surface. So they decided to help Mother Earth and go to the middle to assist her. Because, as you know, she is a living being. So they are part of her helpers, and part of her assistants. And they work very closely with her. They are very, very evolved.

D: Were there any people living under the Earth before that?

I: Not to my knowledge. But this came about after we came here.

D: And they made the tunnels and then some people wanted to live there?

I: Yes. They have a frequency level and vibrational level where they don’t need a physical sun, as you do. But they have means of obtaining light from the physical sense.

See Chapter Five, “The Hidden City”. Also mentioned in Keepers of the Garden.

D: Were the tunnels built before the pyramid?

I: The tunnels were built after the pyramids were made, because these were not to be known to everyone. Only just for the chosen few.

D: Are there still remnants of these people living beneath the surface?

I: There are many of them still alive, very much alive as you and I.

D: Have they ever tried to come up the tunnels onto the surface?

I: Oh, they have. They are very, very evolved. They have ways and means where they sometimes surface. And they have ways and means where they go back. It is very simplistic for them. They use different frequencies and different light therapies to do that, because they know light therapy.

D: It sounds as though they took what you were trying to teach and kept it pure. While the others on the surface contaminated it.

I: They did. They decided to keep the purity, and to help evolve the planet when she was ready to move and to shift to a higher vibration, and to a higher frequency. Which she is presently in the process of doing.

D: Are there other openings in other parts of the world that could access these people living under the ground?

I: To my knowledge, in some of the other pyramids. I see the Yucatan, the pyramids there. And there is one more, I think, in Bolivia. We didn’t know it as Bolivia, as you know it now. It was a different name.

D: But other people made these openings so they could access the same place.

I: It was the same race that we created that went there, because transportation was very easy. We transported through light energy and through light frequencies. And wherever there were people that needed help, we went there. And pyramids were built there to teach them the higher ways. And then at the same time we created these tunnels too, as some of us needed to go with them. To work closely with the Divine Mother. To help her in her process of evolution.

D: You said you lived in Egypt for six hundred years. Were you known then as the priestess Isis – and you said you pronounced it differently – for the whole time?

I: Yes, I was. I was known world and wide. I was known on this whole planet. And so was I known in many other spheres as well.

D: But you didn’t intend to be worshiped, did you?

I: It was utter nonsense that they worshiped me, because of who I was, because of the power I had, because of the frequencies and the energies that I carried. They looked upon me as someone who could help them and assist them. It was not mostly a form of worship, but more a sign of respect.

D: Then after six hundred years, had they evolved to the point that you thought you could leave?

I: We had by then created enough species by intermarrying to have that frequency and that energy level to assist the race at that time. And even the ecology at that time. To bring a balance on this planet. So after six hundred years many of us that came in original form left. We left the hybrids, and those that were created from us, behind to carry on the work.

D: At that time did you go back to Sirius?

I: Yes, we left our physical bodies and went back to Sirius. And took back our old form.

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