Sukupuoli-identiteetin hämärtyminen on osa ihmislajin evoluutiota

Onko nuorisomme tullut hulluksi — mikä on kun tuntuu olevan niin hankalaa löytää rauhaa omassa sukupuolessa, ihmetellään.

Ei ole nuoriso tullut hulluksi.

Nuoriso on upgraded version of that which we are.

Elämme kohtaa, kun ihmislajin kehitys on nopeampaa kuin se on koskaan ollut.

Elämme kasvupyrähdystä.

Pyrähdämme aivan uudenlaiseen maailmaan ja aivan uudenlaiseen tapaan olla.

Uudenlaista maailmaa synnyttämään ja uudenlaista tapaa olla on tullut opettamaan paljon sieluja, joilla ei ole historiaa paikassa Maa. Heille itsen sitominen yhteen sukupuoleen ja tuohon sukupuoleen liitettyihin normeihin ei näytä houkuttelevalta.

“Otapa tästä tällainen kahle! Täällä meillä ruukataan tällaisiin käydä!”

“No enpäs kuule ota.”

Seuraavat otteet kanavoinneista valottavat sitä, miten näin jyrkkä sukupuolijako, mihin olemme tottuneet, on poikkeuksellista tässä maailmankaikkeudessa, eikä edusta meidänkään tulevaisuuttamme.

P: There is one area we would wish to cover this evening, if it is in consensual agreement with your group. And that would be in the area of sexual awareness, or in other words, gender identity. For we here are not given sexual identity. We are simply etheric spiritual energy and find it somewhat amusing; in no disrespectful terms, that you see yourselves as one or another. You seem to have a very strong need to segregate yourselves according to gender identity. This we find most fascinating. As it would seem that there is some schism here in your own identity. We feel you have lost your true identity when you must relate to each other on these terms. That is simply an observation from our point of reference. And that is simply the item which we thought we would bring up for discussion, if you felt it appropriate. 

D: Hmmm, a rather strange subject. I don't suppose we have ever thought about it, have we? 

A member of the group volunteered, "Could I elaborate a little bit, please?" 

P: We would hope that you would. And so give us some insight into this apparition, so that we may possibly come to a better understanding of it from our level. 

The member continued, "The way I understand it, you want to discuss the area of physical. And you being etheric energy, are not concerned with physical things, so you don't have to worry about sexual identity. But in a physical area this is very important, because it represents our very identity. So you have come into an area for discussion that may be a little foreign to etheric energy. As long as we're confined to physical bodies, this is a very important part of our being, and we have to be concerned with it. Does this make sense to you?" 

P: We are assimilating this response. And would reply thusly: We understand your concern. We understand your need to identify or to recognize your physical aspect. However, we feel and we are here not preaching, merely making an observation from our reference; that there has become not so much a sense of custodial care given to these physical bodies, but more a sense of identity given to these physical bodies. It would seem as if the physical body itself has been given an identity. 

D: That's true. It has been given an identity because that's the way we recognize ourselves, being confined to time and material things. Could I ask a question? Have any of you energies ever been in a physical body? 

P: That is not accurate, for we have never been to a level where the physical could manifest itself. We are of an energy which is simply not conducive to formation of physical matter. It is an electro-magnetic energy, and not of the structure or composition which would facilitate the formation of physical matter. There are none among us at this point who have ever experienced what you would call a "physical" incarnation, although that is not to say that we have not been on your planet before. We have, but not in a human form. There have been many forms other than human on your planet, which carried consciousness. However, you have no record of these forms, for none have been given to be recorded. 

Member: What is your origin then? 

O: We speak from the essence of truth, of the One True God, as you would say in your vernacular. We hail from the givers of truth, the legion of light, or as you might say, the archangels. Ours is a message of information. We would define our role here as givers of truth. There are many other squadrons or legions whose responsibilities might include health matters, or perhaps rebuilding or reconstructing planets. There are those whose entire function is solely the construction of universes.

D: The Creator level. 

P: That is correct. There are many different areas of expertise available to draw from. Since you seek information, you have contacted us, the givers of truth. And so here we are. Member: I think I understand that. We have responsibilities in our physical realm. What kind of responsibilities do you have? I know that you are not confined by time as we are. What do you occupy yourselves with? What does this energy do? 

P: There is on this plane much work and attention given to the formation and creation of subservient energies, or to paraphrase, making rings or circles in a pond. Our work, if we can grossly analogize this, is simply throwing stones in the water and causing the circles to radiate outward from where the stones or pebbles have landed. It is in these concentric circles which radiate outward, where we excel or are at our best. Of course, you understand this is a simple analogy. But the purpose is to create energy patterns which are useful to those life forms and energies which are at a level somewhat below ours. In other words, we make a very conducive atmosphere or environment in these energy circles. So that those who are working below us have a hospitable environment within which to work. It is a chain of hereditary environments much like your natural chain of hierarchies on your physical world. Does this make sense? The members of the group responded that it did. 

D: It's a little complicated. But are these also energies that we ourselves can use to create things? 

P: Not directly. For these energies we deal with are at a level much higher than you could possibly manipulate directly. However, through situations such as this where there is a bridging effect, we can trade concepts and analogies and visualizations and rationalizations and so forth. So that our realities and truths may be bridged to your level of understanding and vice versa. 

D: This is why it seems so foreign to you to see our different concepts. 

P: That is accurate. We apologize here, for we truly do not wish to preach, but merely to observe. But we feel too much emphasis has been given on gender identity. And has been pulled from true identity, the consciousness or God-self or Christ-identity, or one of many hundred thousands of terms given to that which is. That which is your true identity, the energy that is energy like we ourselves are. Of course, you know your physical bodies are nothing more than an implement or a tool. It would be as if you, while riding in your car, assumed the identity of the car itself, and are not simply a passenger in the car. (Laughter) You would then feel that you are a Buick. You are big. You are red. You would feel your four tires beneath you. And you would feel every scratch and dent received on you. This, of course, is again a very simple analogy. However, we feel that it adequately; at least from our point of view, summarizes our perceptions of how physical reality seems to have transcended the spiritual reality.

Most of you have been both male and female in past lives. You have been a number of many different things. The soul is infinitely versatile, unlimited in flexibility. You can think of your soul as a body of air. If you were to go to Antarctica, you would experience yourself as cold air, if you were to go to the Sahara, you would experience yourself as hot air. You can become air that is high pressure, low pressure, dry, humid, polluted or rainforest fresh – anything you wish! Your consciousness can attune itself to any experience you can imagine.

It might interest you to know that within The Pleiadian Alliance there are beings who can change their gender identity at will. You, as humans, must wait entire lifetimes to switch between being male or female. There are some of us on other worlds and dimensions who can literally be male in one second and become wholly female the next. Masculine expressions are sometimes more suitable in certain situations; feminine expressions are sometimes more suitable in other situations. According to what situation is at hand and how we wish to react, we can alternate between masculine and feminine expressions. In much higher dimensions, it is even common for beings to alternate their physical form between male and female in the blink of an eye. While you humans wait whole lifetimes for your chance to experience yourself as the opposite gender, some beings regularly change their gender from moment to moment, alternating thousands of times within a single incarnation. They are not bound exclusively to one side of polarity; they are free to switch fluidly back and forth. A long time from now, in the distant future, humanity will gain this ability.

Most of you believe that male energy is responsible for all the negativity existing on your planet. We do not agree with this. From our perspective, female energy is equally responsible. The situation of Earth is one of disempowerment. Your governments are like an abusive husband while the general population is a passive, submissive wife. Are the majority of people on your planet rebellious? Do they demand equality and fair share between themselves and ruling powers? From our point of view, there is an excess amount of passive, female energy among your population. Most of you are highly complacent and compliant, passively giving away your power to government officials and allowing others to control your lives. You are passengers in a vehicle driven by madmen. 

There is a saying that evil thrives when good people do nothing, yes? The passive or female energy is greatly part of what perpetuates this problem. This is what allows you to be easily subjugated by malevolent beings. In order to have a society where goods and resources are abundant for all, you must first feel worthy of it. You must desist from complacent, submissive behavior to authority figures and establish relationships based on mutual respect and mutual pleasure. Once humanity becomes collectively assertive, genuinely dignified and demanding of equality from leaders in a non-aggressive, non-violent manner, this is when you will experience redistribution of power on your world and the true beginnings of a new golden age.

D: A question from the group: I have been concerned with energies, plus and minus, male and female, as we express them now. Are there ways we may balance those energies within us?

P: First of all, one should be aware that many are polarized for a reason. There is, indeed, in nature as there is in the spirit world, those who are more of one than another. And then there are those who are equal. Perhaps we could use the yin and yang examples here. Is it any less noble to be all yin, than it is to be all yang? Or is it more noble to be a total balance between the two? It is not more right to be more of one than the other, nor is it even more right to be completely equal. There is only that which is most appropriate. For each particular lesson you should draw from that which is most appropriate, the yin or the yang. We see that your question speaks of harmonizing yourself. That is, to become more balanced in your energies. However, we would caution you in realizing that the middle of the road is not necessarily the most desirable place to be.

D: Which brings up the question of homosexuality.

P: This is simply a matter of energies, in that there are male and female energies. And in a male, when he is endowed with predominately female energies, he exerts this characteristic, which is predominately in females. This then is the reason for the attraction to males, for opposites do attract, whether they be in male or female bodies. And so this is delineated down to an energy level of female energy being in a male body, attracted to male energy in a male body.

D: You said it's a female energy. What do you mean?

P: The polarity or disposition of the soul is given as more predominately female energy.

D: Would that mean the soul has had more female lives, or more female experience?

P: This soul most likely would have, not that the predominance of lives would have programmed the soul to more female energy. There is, at creation of souls, a personality imprint which usually is more male or more female or somewhat more neutral.

D: Then the past lives don't have anything to do with this?

P: Yes, they have a lot to do with this, for they are experiences which are remembered, and so program somewhat the affectations of the individual in expressing the energies. The lives, however, do not determine whether the entity be male or female.

D: I have found that if a soul had more lives of one sex than the other, it was more difficult for them to cope.

P: That is correct, for there is more familiarity with the opposite sex. It could cause confusion for there is, in this society, much programming to be strictly either a man or a woman, and not simply one or the other with the genders crossed.

D: Is this the main reason for homosexuality, or could there be other explanations?

P: This is the most prevalent. However, there are cases where one chooses to incarnate in such a cross reality in order to learn lessons. Many lessons being: temperance, tolerance, patience, humility, etc. It may not simply be a matter of choice but of necessity.

I am getting the information that androgyny is the norm throughout the universe. I do not perceive any male, female per se. There are different personalities who could be considered feminine or masculine. Sexuality is unique to humans. It is very unusual to reproduce by using two separate sexes. This is why extraterrestrials are so fascinated with our methods of reproduction.

D: Then we are the unusual ones, with our two separate sexes.

P: That we have taken it to this degree, yes. You might even consider it two separate species. (I found that remark intriguing.) Reproducing the species is something necessary to any life form. Sexual reproduction, however, does seem to be of, although a fun form, a lower vibration. There are times of absolute transcendence that take place during the act of love. During the act of sex however, this rarely occurs. So it is not what happens every time there is sexual reproduction. The moments of transcendence that are experienced by Earth beings are also experienced by those who do not have human form. But they don't necessarily come from the same reasons, from a physical union. When the intelligent being reaches the point of total awareness of the cosmic flow, of being one with All That Is, just having that spark of remembrance occur is quite euphoric and sensual. However, I do not see extraterrestrial beings in the act of mating. I do see in my mind a pregnant androgynous being, so there apparently is actual physical reproduction. And so I am asking, "Does that mean that there are male and female?" And the answer came that, "No, there are parent beings." That is a little unclear, so I am asking, "Can anybody be a parent being?" And the response is something to the effect, "If that is your desire when you have realized that you are capable of anything." That if you wish to have live birth, then that seems to be possible. This is a very difficult area to explain, because different dimensional entities do not perpetuate themselves in the same way that fourth dimensional beings do. This is very difficult ground, because when you have the capability of dematerializing and rematerializing, you don't have an actual need for creating new beings. This, of course, is a generalization. But I might say that although we (here in our underground city) are androgynous, we can manifest let me not use that word, because that gives an incorrect picture. We can act the way we feel most comfortable acting. And some of us "act" ways that can be Earthlabeled "masculine", and Earth ways that can be labeled "feminine".

D: Then you mean at times you do have this feeling of being more masculine. You more or less play apart, masculine or feminine?

P: No. Those are terms that we have to use because we are talking Earth terms. I just mean that all of us are not carbon copies of each other. Some of us enjoy the more physical strength roles, which could be termed masculine. We don't call them that. This is just a method or manner of approach. A way of being.

D: It's more of a personality type thing? I imagine you have personalities.

P: Of course, personality does exist in other beings, not just those from the Earth plane. This concept is very difficult to explain. Because you, the questioner, come from a planet of two sexes, that are actually very different, in order to try to understand masculine and feminine attributes, you would tend to think in Earth terms. It is by using Earth terms that the confusion sets in. So I'll just change it. I will change masculine to lion, and I will change feminine to swan. So some of us are comfortable in dealing with things in a lionlike manner. Others are more comfortable to deal with things in a softer swanlike manner. It does not mean we are lions and swans. It only means that is our basic way of approaching work or life. I personally feel more comfortable with the attributes of the lion. I do identify more strongly with those characteristics.

(Lainaukset Dolores Cannonin kirjasarjasta The Convoluted Universe sekä kirjasta Pleiadian Prophecy 2020)


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