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Second Coming of Christ — When Will It Happen?

Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist, who could make her patients become voices to their higher consciousness(es). Her books are mainly reports describing so called past lives.

As we are living Christmas time, I wanted to share few citations from Cannon’s books related to Jesus.

What is Christ’s second coming? What was the purpose of the life of Jesus?

Jesus tried to show that if you live a life of high vibration, then you are uplifting yourself and the planet. And when you die you don't die. That was the whole message and the whole thing. And two thousand years ago the capability of Earth destruction, or the Earth as I'm seeing from the future perspective, was evident then from this space of "no time".

I decided to do what I normally do. I moved him forward in that life to an important day, when something was happening. I had no idea what would be an important day to a non-physical energy being.

D: What do you see? What’s happening?

J: Jesus being born.

D: Oh? Tell me about it. Are you watching it?

J: From above.

D: What do you see?

J: (Pause) It’s a feeling. A sense. I can see it, but it’s a sense. It’s a very beautiful sense. It’s a very special event. I’m not sure why, but it’s a special event. Very special. I’m watching from above.

D: Are others with you?

J: Yes, the group is here. It’s a very beautiful time. I’m observing. I’m trying to understand. I’m not sure why it’s so important or special. Okay. It’s the love energy being created in a very special way. You can experience it. It’s very special. It’s inter-dimensional. It’s needed on many dimensions. We’re all here. There’s a gathering. We can experience it through the souls of the beings on the planet, or we can observe from above. It’s very special.

D: You said it was like love being made manifest?J: Yes. In the male/female way of Earth being separate, being dualistic. It’s God coming in male/female. It’s coming from a higher source. It’s coming from the Source. It’s very special. From this perspective, we can see it from a bigger vantage point. It’s critical.

D: Why is it critical?

J: I don’t know. For the planet, I guess, but not for us. We’re separate. But it’s for the planet. Why is it special? Just love. It’s bringing love to the planet in a way that has never been experienced. In human form. But it transcends many dimensions. It’s affecting many dimensions on the planet. But it’s like a portal.

D: A portal? What do you mean?

J: I’m trying to understand. I don’t know why. It’s a connecting point for souls. Beings. Angelics. It draws all beings, all creation there. It’s a place to experience love being created in a special way.

D: This is why it’s drawing people to watch it. They want to experience that feeling?

J: Yes. There are angelic beings. There are ETs. Different races. They’re all experiencing it. It’s ... (emotional) there’s no word for it. Just special!

D: They just want to be there to experience the feeling and the emotions.

J: Yes, the emotions.

During another session at Billie's the discussion turned to asking questions about Jesus.

Phil: It would be appropriate to say that He was in every sense a man. And yet in every sense He also was a woman. He was completely integrated, and had both the desires of a man and yet the intuition and feeling of a woman. We speak here not necessarily of sexual desires, but of human feelings. However, He was more than human. He was not, as you would say, an ordinary human. Could not the Master be here now?

D: We think that He is among us in spirit.

P: Could He not be in physical?

D: On the Earth, you mean?

P: That is accurate.

D: Well, we've never thought about it.

P: Perhaps He has come and you have not recognized Him. Is this possible?

D: It could be. It was my understanding that His spirit should dwell in each of us.

P: That is accurate.

D: Then is that separate from dwelling in a body as a person?

P: If the spirit is dwelling in a body, is He not incarnate?

D: Well, if that would be a universal incarnation.

P: That is accurate.

D: Are you saying that He has come back to Earth?

P: He is here. He is all around you.

D: It's not just as one individual person?

P: That is accurate.

D: We thought maybe you meant that He had come back into physical form.

2P: He has come back in physical form. But He is not in, as you would say, one single individual body. He is working through each and every one of you. This is in a very literal sense, the truth. It is not simply an eloquent figure of speech. The power of Christ is within each and every one of you now incarnate in this room.

D: I just had an idea. This might be what they mean by the second coming of Christ.

P: That is accurate. For in this influx of enlightenment, there is truly in every one here the spark of Christ. For each has a small piece of the Christ Spirit dwelling in them, and so throughout all of humanity. When all of humanity comes together in one mind, then there will literally as well as figuratively be the return of Christ.

D: I think people are expecting Him to be one entity, one person that returns again.

P: This is an accurate perception, however, it is one which is not in this case true. You do perceive the situation accurately, however, the truth is that it is not the true situation. It is more than that. It is that actually, and yet it is more.

D: Then instead of one person returning, it has been returning in several people.

P: That is accurate. As within the entire planet.

D: Actually then, Christ has already returned.

P: That is accurate.

D: It's just a different way of looking at it. That's why it would take a different concept to understand it. He has already returned in the spirit of several different people.

P: In the spirit of many billions of people. For this spirit is truly over all the planet now, not in a given few.

D: That way they can accomplish much more than one person.

P: That is accurate. For the word is spread throughout the whole planet simultaneously. And is working its way from inward to outward.

D: The Church wants us to think there would just be one person who would spread it whenever He returned again. There again, He would be worshiped though. That's the problem.

P: That is an accurate assessment.

D: This would be a different way of looking at it, that the Church would have trouble with.

P: We would have trouble with the Church in this as well. For we try many times to reach those who are truly and honestly searching for the truth. However, they find they must turn outward instead of inward. They cannot seem to reach this concept to allow them to turn inward where the real truth lies.

Q: Is the Shroud of Turin the authentic burial shroud of Jesus?

P: That is accurate. That relic which is called or ascribed as the Shroud of Turin is indeed that burial garment which the Master himself was wrapped in at the time of his physical death. It is imprinted with that energy radiated by the advance decomposition of his physical body, such that there would be no physical traces left of that body. This is indeed a purely natural phenomenon. It was somewhat advanced in its nature because it was not usual. However, it was not a miracle.

Q: Can you tell us why some pictures and statues, especially of Christ or His mother, seem to produce tears or blood, and is there any significance to that?

P: There is again this awareness we speak of, which permeates all that is. All of creation is a part and parcel of that God concept. Therefore the actual physical elements of which you speak are indeed a part and parcel of that God concept. They are indeed aware. However, in your definition they may not be alive. There is in these icons the awareness of that God concept. Awareness of not only their own awareness, but of those individuals and entities around them, yourselves, who are aware also. In your projections in viewing these icons there is transferred the awareness from one to the other. Or the awareness of the individuals viewing is oftentimes transferred to that icon. The phenomenon itself is a manifestation of that transfer of awareness. The tears are a manifestation of the awareness of the individuals who are viewing these icons. The sorrow is indeed genuine. The shame of humanity being the crucifixion of the one who had come to save the very race which crucified Him.

Q: I understand one produced tears that could be collected in a bottle. What would they show if they were analyzed?

P: They would indeed be tears, or the content comparable to human tears.

D: Even though they came from canvas and paint?

P: That is accurate. You yourselves, again, are creators. This is indeed a purely physical and entirely natural phenomenon. It is the transference of awareness. And in so doing, the formulation of a manifestation derived from the awareness, or that awareness which has been transferred. The individuals themselves are transferring this awareness to the icons, not that the icons themselves are actually crying. But the awareness of the individuals, and the strength of their faith transferring this awareness to that icon.

D: The human being is the catalyst then.

P: The human being is the sender of this awareness. The icon being the catalyst.

D: Even without them being consciously aware that they're actually doing this?

P: That is accurate. Were there no one viewing these icons there would be no transference of awareness, and therefore there would be no miracles to be seen.

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