“Pelkään, että joudun helvettiin.”

Jos pelkää käärmeitä, pelko todennäköisesti ei valtavasti elämään vaikuta.

Välttää menemästä paikkoihin, joissa käärmeisiin voi törmätä. Ja pystyi elämään melko normaalin elämän.

Jos pelkää lentämistä, matkustaa junalla ja laivoilla. Aika normaalin elämän pystyi vielä elämään.

Mutta entäs kun pelkää helvettiä?

Tuo pelko saattaa rajoittaa elämää hyvin paljon. Se voi värittää koko elämän. Saattaa saada liittymään esimerkiksi johonkin ryhmään, jossa ulkoa päin sanellaan mitä saat tehdä ja mitä ei. Helvetin pelko saattoi saada myymään vapauden. Saattoi saada luopumaan monista unelmista — ja täyteen potentiaaliin kasvamisesta.

On hyvä muistaa, että helvetinpelko on ympäröivästä kulttuurista ostettu pelko. Muilta mukaan poimittu uskomus.

Kenessäkään ei syntymäohjelmoinnissa ole helvetinpelkoa:

Ihminen, joka kasvaa kulttuurissa, jossa helvettiä ei tulevaisuudenskenaarioksi maalailla, ei helvettiä pelkää.

Jos kokee, että helvetinpelko itseä palvelee, silloin siinä kannattaa pysyä.

Jos taas kokee, että helvetinpelko ei ole itseasiassa oma preferenssi,

voi hakeutua sellaisen tiedon äärelle, ja tavoitella ymmärrystä,

joka tuosta pelosta vapauttaa.

Minä olen kasvanut kulttuurissa,

jossa helvetinpelkoon opetettiin.

Ymmärrän pelon opettajien hyvän intention: Halutaan suojella, että kukaan ei joutuisi kadotukseen, ikuiseen eroon Jumalasta.

Itse en kuitenkaan koe itselleni mieluisimmaksi tavaksi elää minkään pelon ohjaamana,

vaan toiveideni ja vetojeni ohjauksessa.

Jaan tässä muutamia kirjoja, joihin tutustumalla omaa helvetinpelkoaan voi lievittää,

jos oma sisäinen ohjaus tuohon suuntaan ohjaa.

Nämä kirjat tehoavat myös lääkkeenä kuolemanpelkoon.

Valitse näistä intuitiivisesti, tai vaikkapa pendulumilla, kirja, josta aloittaa:

  1. Neville Goddard: Resurrection

  2. Dolores Cannon: Five Lives Remembered

  3. Dolores Cannon: Between Death and Life

  4. Brian Weiss: Many Lives, Many Masters

  5. Dolores Cannon: The Convoluted Universe -sarja

  6. Stuart Wilson, Joanna Prentis: Power of the Magdalene

  7. Basharin opetukset (Bashar.org). Hän puhuu helvetti-konseptista joissakin paikoin.

  8. Michael Newton, Ph.D: Destiny of Souls *

Mainituista kirjoista

ensimmäinen, toinen, neljäs, viides, kuudes ja kahdeksas löytyvät Nextory-äänikirjapalvelusta. (Affiliate-linkki. Palvelu on uudelle käyttäjälle maksuton 30 päivän ajan.)

* Tätä suosittelen erityisesti hänelle, joka käsittelee läheisensä fyysisestä poissiirtymiseen liittyvää surua

Aihetta liippaava Bashar-lainaus

Q: Yes, do you believe there is a dark side, an evil force? And if so

what form do you think it takes?

Bashar: Thank you very much. There is always positive and negative energy

mechanically speaking — positive energy is that which integrates, that which unites,

which unifies and functions as a whole, which blends, which harmonizes.

Negative energy is that which separates, segregates. It is, in your

terms, discordant. Seeks externalized control, because it does not

believe the control comes from within. Seeks manipulation, domination,

because it is only perceives power as being expressed in externalize

terms. That is positive and negative energy.

The reason that we hesitate to use your terminology of right and wrong

and good and evil is not because we do not understand what they mean,

in that sense. Nor are we saying that more often than not your terms

don't apply to the idea of positive and negative. Usually they do.

Usually when we perceive you saying right and wrong and good and evil,

you usually do mean positive and negative energy. However, the terms

good and evil and right and wrong are extremely subjective value

judgment labels, and don't always tell you whether an energy really is

mechanically positive or mechanically negative.

All of you, if you stop and think about it for a moment, will realize

that there can be individuals doing things that are very positive and

unifying and yet there can be individuals who say, "that's wrong;

that's evil. And yet there are individuals who can be doing things

very negative, very segregative, very dominating, and someone can say,

"that's good; that's right."

So saying it's good or bad or evil or right or wrong doesn't really

tell you very much about what is actually happening on a physics

level. However--yes there is consciousness in many different levels

that express the idea both of positive intention and negative intention.

However, most of the idea of negative intention can only be expressed

on what you would call lower levels of vibratory state, such as

physical levels and a few of the levels of the astral realm just above

it. Beyond that it is almost impossible to express negative energy,

because by definition those other levels are integrated energies.

And to be existing on that level in a conscious format, you must be an

integrated being, which means you will generally not express

yourselves in a negative sense.

Now what you generally call a manifestation of directed evil, or what

you call the devil, or what you call Satan in your world is the

polarized idea of your collective consciousness, supported by your

fears and your doubts and your hate, and given life. It is, in a

sense, a consciousness unto itself; but it only gathers its strength

from you, from your fears.

You can deflate it by not believing in it, by not buying into it, by

not fearing it. The vibration of fear itself is what that

consciousness would want you to have -- because fear is what feeds it,

what sustains it as an entity unto itself.

In a sense, speaking biblically as you say, the negative combined

collective consciousness of your entire planet is what you call

Lucifer. It is the negative polarity of the Christ consciousness.

That is why the idea of the scenario that was created for you

biblically of, quote/unquote, Christ being tempted by the devil, is

simply a metaphor, an analogy, for the idea of the Christ

consciousness recognizing within itself the potential to give in to

the negative side, but recognizing that that is not the positive idea

it is, or chose to be.

And so recognizing that there is the positive side, the negative side,

and then what you would call the in-between state, the balanced point,

you can understand that creation, in a sense, is actually slightly

biased to the positive side. Because the center point is a point of

balance, and balance is inherently positive.



So the idea basically is that again remember you are aspects of the

Infinite. What you imagine to be real, you actually give life to. So

the idea of what you may call a negative entity: they can have lives

of their own, they can have existence and self-awareness; but the only

way you can interact with any negative consciousness is by being of

that frequency and attracting it. And one of the easiest ways to be of

that frequency and attract it is to buy into the idea that you have to

fear it. Because you really believe it's more powerful than you are.

It isn't. It would like you to think so, because that's what generates

the fear it needs to feed off of. But you aren't less powerful.

Whatever you decide is what you are, and whatever you are is what you

attract. And if you know you decide to be a reflection of the positive

manifestation, then you may be able to be aware of the fact that there

may be negative manifestations, but they can never interact with you

in an effectual way. You will become, literally, invisible to them.


Q: Yes.

B: Does this assist you?

Q: Yes, thank you.

B: Well, thank you very much.


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