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Who Is Mother Mary and Why Is She So Often Present in Energy Healing Sessions

What has been written about Ascended Master Mary, Mother Mary, when it comes to her role in energy healing sessions:

Mother Mary is a well-known ascended master in the West, as her embodiment as the mother of Jesus maintains revered status within the Roman Catholic church; Mary, Mother of God.

Similar interpretations as the feminine goddesses of Hinduism have been maintained in India and as Kuan Yin, the empathetic bodhisattva maintained by some Chinese Buddhists.

The name, Mary, reflects “Ma-ray” or Mother Ray of God’s light.


She helps us to heal our soul and our inner child. Mary helps us to pass our tests in the schoolroom of life. Author and spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains:

“We are all walking a path of initiation, and we all have a choice. We can either keep going on a treadmill of failing our tests – perhaps getting irritated or angry at the circumstances of life – or we can determine to pass these tests and move on with our spiritual development. We can get off the treadmill and begin hiking up the mountain.”

Mother Mary helps us to get off the treadmill by guiding us to see the things we need to let go of, those conditions in our psychology that prevent us from being whole. She teaches us to gently raise the Mother flame (Kundalini) up the spinal altar through each of the seven chakras.

From Mother Mary we learn to purify and strengthen the third eye (wisdom eye) chakra. This chakra corresponds to the Fifth Ray. Mother Mary teaches us the beauty of holding the immaculate concept not only for others and ourselves, but also for all mankind. Our vision and our thoughts have the power to create and many have proven the unlimited healing power that comes from combining visualization with prayer. Mother Mary teaches us to develop our divine vision and to hold the highest vision in any given situation.

Our vision, intuition and creative insights are directly associated with the third-eye chakra and the more mastery we have on the Fifth Ray the clearer our perception of life. Some of the misuses of this chakra include: ingratitude, envy, jealousy, possessiveness, greed and covetousness, lacking in virtues or being overly superstitious. All of these things can affect how we see things and cloud our perception of reality.

Mary and Raphael serve on the Fifth Ray called the emerald or green ray. This is the ray of healing and wholeness and the ray of precipitation, clear seeing, invention, vision, music, mathematics and science. It is also the ray of Truth. Those involved in the healing arts, doctors and nurses (traditional and alternative), as well as scientists and musicians are working on the emerald ray.


Diana Cooper on Mother Mary:

“She inspires us to reach out and comfort those in pain as she helps us to cultivate the virtues of mercy, forgiveness, grace and love. She teaches us to honor one another.”


“Mother Mary is wonderful to call upon to assist with issues of self-love, forgiveness, grief, sadness, and self-empowerment. You can ask her to help with healing and/or further expansion of your heart center (chakra) and inner light so that you may live aligned to your heart. - - Mother Mary is available to assist anyone and everyone. One does not need to have specific spiritual or religious beliefs. Unconditional love, which is what she is and represents is open to all!”


And lastly, a story that I find the most fascinating:

In Dolores Cannon’s book Horns of the Goddess Mother Mary is revealed to be a symbol of the Goddess ancient folks worshipped: the Mother Earth!

One prays Mother Earth and another prays Virgin Mary: What if it is one and the same?

Direct quote from the book:

D: Any other symbology they would use?

B: The most heinous of all. Even though they will not say it, they know that the great mother is the power of the universe. But hers is not a masculine direct power, it’s more of an indirect power, like the effect of water on stone.

D: A gradual.

B: Yes. A flowing power. And they know that people will find this and follow it in spite of their teachings. So what they have done, they have taken the symbol to represent this power that people might find and explain it in terms of their church. And exploit it and profane it to make it seem like it has no power at all, or perhaps inferior power to their follower. And this is what they call the Virgin Mary.

D: Hmmm. Yes, in our time she is almost worshipped. She is supposed to be equal to her Son. It is like they worship all three.

B: Yes. That is the same here. They worship her but they make her subject to the Father. That she doesn’t have any power of her own, but she can use feminine wiles to trick the Father, so to speak. Or to talk Him into considering being merciful.

D: Oh, this is why they ask her for favors?

B: Yes, and they make her very subservient to the Father. Making it seem that the goddess herself has no power.

D: Do you think the story of the Virgin Mary was true or was it just introduced for this reason?

B: I think it was partially introduced for this reason. I think there was a story behind it that got twisted to their own ends, so that they could consolidate their power. For I think what happened was that she who bore Jesus, Joseph was the father of. And that the first time that they made love she did not know what was going on. And so she did not realize that she had lost her virginity. She had been told to keep her virginity, and she didn’t know what they were talking about. And so she didn’t know she had lost it until after several times of making love with Joseph. Or sometime later she came to the realization that she was going to have a baby. And she knew that only women who were not virgins had babies. But she thought she still had her virginity. And it was due to her being young and not knowing things. And so the church took this and twisted it around so that she actually was a virgin. And it was just a spiritual influence that caused her to become pregnant.

D: They couldn’t have it be otherwise, I guess. What about the Son, Jesus? Do you have any thoughts on that with your beliefs?

B: He was a servant of the goddess, and He was trying to turn people to the goddess. Trying to soften up the Jewish religion, so that people could be more acceptant toward the goddess. And He would have succeeded had it not been for the Inquisition. You see, it has been said that after He was killed His followers were in two different groups. One group was following the goddess in the way that she would be very pleased. And the other group was power hungry. And the group that was power hungry made up rules and changed things and consolidated their power and tried to stamp out the other group. I suspect they pretty much succeeded. Had they not stamped out the other group, the church would not exist. There would be followers of Christ, but they would not be grouped into an all-powerful church. They would be in groups worshipping the goddess the way we worship her.

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