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Diana Cooper on Metatron

Who is Archangel Metatron?

The mighty Archangel Metatron is the creator of all known light in our universe. Light contains information and knowledge, and Metatron’s energy spreads throughout all the universes, encompassing all the dimensional realities right up to the twelfth.

This huge, divine Illumined Being is vast beyond our comprehension and enters our sphere of existence via Helios, the Great Central Sun, the divine core of our entire universe. It is in Helios that Metatron creates the light matter that is the foundation of our existence. The various dimensions that we occupy as physical beings are constructed by light vibrating at different speeds and geometric frequencies. Sacred geometry is used to bind this all together and this lowers the frequency, creating the solid world that we see, touch and sense around us.

As well as having this awesome role of creating matter, Archangel Metatron is responsible for spearheading the ascension process here on Earth.
Energetically, he is predominantly masculine and is often perceived as a vast golden orange Sun exuding power and divine strength.

On Earth, Archangel Metatron’s angelic retreat is above Luxor in Egypt. He also holds a vast pool of ascension energy in the etheric (the ethers beyond the physical plane) above the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is distributed in harmony with universal flow to assist Earth and the people living on it in order to accelerate their ascension process.

Due to the tireless work of Archangel Metatron and the myriad of other Illumined Beings helping him, the ascension process is now fully under way. Most lightworkers actively helping the ascension of Earth are attuned to Metatron’s energy and guidance. He can co-ordinate thousands of souls at the same time and particularly excels at bringing groups of lightworkers together to achieve a result to benefit humanity.

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