Why Is Mary Magdalene Often Present In Energy Healing Sessions?

What have energy healers said about the energy of Mary Magdalene?

These are direct quotes.

“Mary Magdalena served a Divine Plan that began 2000 years ago.  At that time, she anchored the Divine Feminine Christ Light on Earth.

Now, she entreats all of us to join her in her powerful mission. She calls us to the work of  balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies within ourselves and on our planet.”


She wants to help women to fully embody their body.

She wants to help women to fully embody their femininity.

She wants to help women to fully embody their womb.

She wants to help women to fully embody their sensuality.

She wants to help women to fully embody their sexuality.

She wants to help women to fully connect with Mother Earth.


Mary Magdalene emanates and broadcasts the highest vibration of Pure Unconditional Love.


  • The Mary Magdalene Light is the most soothing and nurturing Unconditional Love you can imagine.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light helps to recognize and embrace innate feminine qualities that are not valued by society but of crucial importance to your health and well-being (e.g. intuition, compassion, gentleness, care, harmony.)

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is an evolutionary Light. It supports you in your personal evolution and can realign you with the two mother principles that carry you: Mother Earth and the Primordial Feminine Force that embraces the Universe.

  • Our patriarchal history has distorted the masculine and feminine balance within ourselves. The Mary Magdalene Light heals masculine and feminine woundings.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light helps you gain a stronger sense of self-worth, including positive feelings about your body and sexuality.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a Spiritual Light that clears your aura from negative energies that do not serve you any longer.


My own experience is that Mary Magdalene is often present in sessions that have something to do with

  • Empowerment: I know who I am and I choose to stand straight

  • Empowerment: I am a woman and I am able “to woman” in this world in a way that feels perfectly good to me

  • Empowerment: I don’t belittle myself. I stand in my power

  • I am complete

Book recommendation about Mary Magdalene:

Power of the Magdalene


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