What Does “New Earth” Mean? How Will This World End?

Explanation, a very good one, given by Dolores Cannon on her book The Convoluted Universe book three:

The Earth is a living being that is crying out to be saved. It is trying to rid itself of the invaders by cleansing itself: floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. They all are cries for help. It is as though the Earth is ridding itself of its own karma, before it reincarnates into another existence. A pristine, beautiful, perfect new environment where it can start anew, and taking along with it those who are capable of adjusting to the new vibrations and frequencies to create a new world. The old world is headed for destruction.

However, it cannot be total physical destruction of the planet itself, because that would cause disruption in the vibratory fields of other planetary bodies and dimensions in the universe. So the Earth has chosen to split off into two worlds, leaving those who want to continue to live in fear and violence to continue on the “old” Earth. And creating a “new” home environment for those who want to progress and evolve. The two types can no longer live side by side on the same planet. Things have changed too much. So the vibration and frequency has to be changed.

Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating at different frequencies. Even rocks, furniture, etc. are vibrating, only at a much lower, denser frequency. As long as everything and everyone on the Earth is vibrating at the same low, slow frequency things will stay the same. The frequency has to be raised so the Earth can split off and enter a new dimension.

It is the same thing that happens to our own Earth bodies. As we learn the lessons of the physical plane we can “graduate” to another higher dimension on the spirit side, and not have to return to the Earth school. We can progress, because we will have outgrown this earthly school. Thus the Earth itself is getting ready to “graduate”, to leave the familiar, the status quo, and progress into something much higher.

Yet the new Earth without human beings and life in its many diverse forms would be as an empty house. Just four walls without a soul inside. There had to be a way for the humans to also evolve so they can go with the Earth. The humans would have to also raise their vibrations. This was easier said than done, considering how many eons mankind had been trapped here. Then I understood. The karma they had before coming into this world will be left with the “old” Earth. That is where karma will continue to exist. It has no part in the New Earth.

These volunteers have come from a place that has never known violence, hatred and fear. They are bringing that vibration of positivity to the Earth at this time. It is like the “hundredeth monkey syndrome”. If we can get enough humans carrying the positive vibration, it will overshadow and diminish the negative vibration. It will wipe it out or lessen its effect by sheer numbers alone.

In one session I asked about the current disasters where thousands of people are dying and leaving the planet en masse. I was told they had finished their work here, and had volunteered to leave in order to make room for the new ones coming in. Then I understood. They are making room for more of these volunteers with the positive energy to come in.

We can conquer by sheer numbers alone. When the critical mass has been reached, and enough people have succeeded in raising their vibrations and frequencies, then the new Earth will be born. This is the plan that will save the world. The people themselves, of course, have no conscious memory of their reasons for coming at this time. And that is the way it should be. They will play their role well.

Those that are still steeped in negativity will remain with the old Earth with what they have created. By the time they realize something is occurring, it will be too late. They cannot change their frequency and vibration quickly enough to follow. It has to be a gradual thing, otherwise it would be too traumatic for the physical body to handle. Thus the separation occurs, the two Earths separate and life goes its separate ways: positive and negative.

I’ve had clients who tell me: I can’t forgive, you don’t know what they did to me!

And I say: “All right, then you are going to be condemned to have to come back again and again with the same people in the same circumstances, only worse, until you finally learn the lesson and get out of it.”

(Dolores Cannon)


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