Struggling to Manifest? — Read This!

One of the most important things to remember when manifesting:

Waiting is a state of being.

Waiting is a vibration.

Different than the vibration of having.

I can not receive in the state of waiting.

State of fulfillment is what matches with the fulfillment I am reaching for.

So. My job is to get myself in the state of fulfillment despite the fact that I do not have that something I would like to have.

In order to have, I better stop waiting

and tune myself into "matchness" with presence of that which I would like to have.

I have been match with the lack of it in my state of waiting for it.

It's possible it never comes.

But how much do I care

in my state of fullfilment,

state of satisfaction.

State of joy,



When I'm having a lovely meal

do I feel bad about not being able to have other meals at that same moment? —

No, I don’t.

“Wanting” is its own, unique state of being. When you want something, you’re effectively saying you don’t have it. In other words, wanting is not having. Wanting something merely keeps you in a state of wanting and not having. The key is to be in a state where you know you already have what you need and then allow it to manifest or, in other words, become visible and tangible. Everything exists here and now, so just because you can’t see or feel something doesn’t mean it’s not here now. Manifestation isn’t attracting something you don’t have, it’s making visible what’s been here all along by matching its frequency state.

Bashar on book The Masters of Limitation: An ET's Observations of Earth


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In What Year Will Open Contact With Other Civilizations (“ETs”) Start? [Bashar]