Yksi mahdollinen “energeettinen syy” kohdun fibroideille

Suora ote Dolores Cannonin kirjasta The Convoluted Universe II:

“I had an interesting explanation for fibroid tumors in the uterus. The woman had had several abortions. She had good reasons for them because at the time she already had several children, and was having a very difficult time trying to work and support them. She felt under the circumstances she could not add to the burden by having more children.

She said the abortions did not bother her and that she had come to terms with it, but her subconscious and her body knew otherwise. She began having problems with fibroid tumors.

During the session her subconscious said she was feeling more guilt than she realized, and the fibroid tumors represented unborn babies. Once she came to terms with this the tumors began to shrink, and disappeared without the need of surgery.”

Tämä on asia, jonka nostaisin pöydälle energiahoidossa.

“Jos kannan energiassani ja vähemmän tiedostamassani ajattelussa jotakin, joka haittaa solujen tasapainoista ja tervettä toimintaa kohtuni alueella ja osaltaan edistää näiden kasvainten kasvua, haluan tuosta energiasta luopua.”


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