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Bashar: Nuclear war will NEVER happen. Here is why

Free will has its limit

When an intelligent being was created on Earth, the Council decided to give us free will and see what we do with it. There are planets where there is no free will. The Star Trek directive of non-interference is very, very real. This is part of the Council's directives: they cannot interfere with the development of an intelligent species. They can help by teaching us and giving us knowledge, but they cannot interfere.

I asked, wasn’t it considered interference when they came and gave us the next thing we would need in our evolution (fire, planting, etc.)? They said, “No, it is a gift we give to you one time to help you in the next stage of your development. What you do with it is your free will.” Many times we have taken their gift and used it for something negative or destructive, which was not their intention. I said, “Then couldn’t you come back and tell them they were not using it in the correct way?” They said, “No, that would be interference. We give it to you. What you do with it is your free will. We can only stand by and shake our heads in wonderment at the complexities of humans, but we cannot interfere.” The only exception to this rule would be if we reached the stage of development that we could destroy the world. This could not be allowed because it would reverberate throughout the galaxies, disturbing too many planets and even life on other dimensions. You would not think that a small planet deliberately isolated in this part of our solar system would have that much impact. But they said the results would be extremely far-reaching and devastating.

The only way we have been able to intervene in the past has been whenever you might have found yourselves on the threshold of actual total nuclear annihilation. Because that will affect not only your world but will interpenetrate different dimensionalities and that we will not allow. So your government and military have been given demonstrations by spacecraft, what you would call UFOs, who have parked themselves over missile silos and deactivated the missiles as a clear sign that we will not let you fire them in an all-out global nuclear war. But we cannot prevent isolated events. But you can.


After the development of the A-Bomb and nuclear power in the late 40s and early 50s, a call went out throughout the universe. This was evident from the influx of UFO sightings at that time. They have said the development and the explosion got their attention, and they had to come and see what this primitive planet was up to. They knew we wouldn’t be able to handle it. And with our violent tendencies, we could very well end up destroying our planet. This could not be allowed to happen. It would cause a ripple effect that would be felt throughout the universe, and would disrupt other planets and dimensions. But how to stop it and control it without going against the prime directive of non- interference?

(Dolores Cannon)

What was made to Atlanteans can be made to us

G: I am here to stop this. We are here to make the corrections, yes.

D: Well, let’s go back a little bit. You said you were there at Atlantis when everything was happening. What happened?

G: They were told to quit. If not .... (Pause)

D: If not, what?

G: (Pause) If they would not quit, then we were to control it. We come in and use our full power, and we make the correction. They would no longer exist.

D: Is that what happened at the time of Atlantis?

G: That is correct.

D: What kind of correction did you make?

G: (Coldly) We eliminated the population. We hid the civilization underneath the water so it could not be found again.

D: I like to clarify these things. Is it all right if I keep asking questions?

G: At this time, yes.

D: Because these are things I am working with.

G: We understand this.

D: I have heard the scientists were misusing the crystal power and that’s what caused the destruction.

G: We did allow some of the population to survive, so that the legend could be spread. So that others would hear of what had happened. And we had hoped that because of this, they would understand the value, and also understand that they cannot misuse it. That we will be watching and we will take the appropriate action necessary, to save not only this one, but the others.

D: What others?

G: Other planets. It would be a chain reaction. This you already know.

D: So at that time, you did this even though it was something you didn’t want to do. Just destroy everything and start over.

G: That is correct. But it was a necessity.

This has been reported in some of my other books, that they are normally not allowed to interfere in the affairs of other cultures. They can only watch and observe. The only exception (and I have been told this many times) would be if we reached the point where we could possibly destroy our planet (either through the misuse of atomic power or, etc.). This could not be allowed, because it would cause a ripple effect out into the galaxy and many other civilizations would be adversely effected. They also said it would affect other dimensions where other cultures exist. It would be as the declaration of an unwanted and unjustified war that would have far reaching effects. This could not be allowed. They said in such a circumstance, they would be justified in stepping in and keeping this from happening.

(Dolores Cannon: TCU III)

Will we destroy ourselves, will we be destroyed in order to protect other beings in this universe from us — or will we raise to a level where we do no more harm to others?

What do you think?

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Bashar: In What Year Will Open Contact With Other Civilizations (“ETs”) Start?