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Mitä yksisarviset ovat ja miten ne voivat auttaa meitä?

Mitä yksisarviset ovat?

Yksisarviset ovat seitsemännestä ja sitäkin korkeammista dimensiosta olevia, inkarnaatiokierrosta vapautuneita, ascended, hevosia,

sanoo Diana Coopes kirjassaan The Wonder of Unicorns: Ascending with the Higher Angelic Realms.

Miksi yksisarvisia käytetään apuna energiahoidoissa?

Siinä missä korkeita dimensioita asuttavien enkeleiden, myös yksisarvisten energia on voimakkaasti parantavaa: Mihin yksisarvisten energia osuu, sen värähtelyä se kohottaa. Yksisarvisten energia on oivallista ja todella voimallista energiapesuihin ihmisille käytettäväksi.

Lisäksi yksisarviset ovat hoidoissa osoittaneet olevansa erittäin oivallinen apu manifestoimisessa ja ilon tuomisessa. En tiedä parempaa värähteenkohottajatahoa kuin yksisarviset.

Oli kyseessä sitten kehollinen tai mielen issue — tai itsen ulkopuolinen asia —, nykyisyyteen tai menneeseen liittyvä, yksisarviset ovat voima, jotka voivat auttaa.

Kaikki on kevennettävissä.

Yksisarviset ovat nousseet yhdeksi minun ja asiakkaideni lempivoimista.

Jos et yksisarvisten voiman kanssa vielä ole päässyt kosketuksiin, kannattaa yksisarvishoitoon hakeutua!

Meidän on tärkeää pyrkiä vapaaksi niistä mielikuvista, joita olemme yksisarvisiin ja muihin ei-fyysisiin tahoihin liittäneet. Se visuaalinen representaatio, mikä meillä kustakin tahosta mielessämme on, se kertoo aika vähän tuosta tahosta, ja siitä ei tarvitse kovin tiukasti pitää kiinni.

Tiedämme yksisarvisista vähän. Sen tiedämme, että fyysisiä olentoja ne eivät ole. Muu jää arvailun varaan.

Skotlannin kuninkaallisessa vaakunassa esiintyy kaksi yksisarvista

Kuningas Charlesin vaakuna

Otteita Cooperin yksisarvisia käsittelevästä kirjasta

​"I learnt that day that the unicorns are seventh-dimensional ascended horses, that they are angelic beings and that they used to be with us during the highfrequency time of Atlantis.

The unicorn being said that at last the energy of humanity was rising again so that thousands of unicorns were reconnecting to us. That was twelve years ago and since then there have been astonishing and unprecedented changes on Earth. By raising our consciousness we have earned the right for the current wave of unicorns to touch everyone on the planet.

They told me that the unicorns were here to bring enlightenment to humanity. Currently, we see with blinkered eyes from a limited viewpoint. The unicorns want to help us to see all perspectives with the eyes of an eagle who surveys the world with vast, all encompassing, yet piercingly clear vision.

When we understand the challenges that others face, we will have new respect and compassion for our fellow humans and animals. We will see with eyes of oneness. To help bring this about the unicorns, who are known to be the purest of the pure, are influencing us by dissolving lower energies. They pour high-frequency white light onto us and when we absorb it, this transforms us. Their very presence is a blazing light that illuminates who we truly are.


In the twelve years since this book was first released the frequency of our planet has risen enormously. We are all now on an accelerated ascension journey and the unicorns, with many other great beings of light, have been instrumental in this process. Currently, there are many ninth-dimensional and even ineffable tenth-dimensional unicorns pouring their light into Earth and particularly touching those who are ready. 



Both unicorns and angels give healing, for all beings of the seventh dimension can do so. Either can touch your chakras or spiritual energy centres, passing light into you. Or they can pour healing energy over you.

Rebecca had never worked with unicorns before. She had a painful leg and I suggested we call in the unicorns to point healing energy at her sore spot. We both had a sense of a beautiful unicorn coming in and she could feel something shifting in her leg. The pain disappeared completely.

They literally pour highfrequency light out of their horns and this dissolves the blockage or karma, which creates the pain.


Unicorns are fully of the angelic realms and live in the seventh dimension, the seventh heaven. They are aspects of the divine, in the same way that angels are. They are white horses, which have ascended into the higher dimensions. Just like humans, horses reincarnate until they become perfected beings. In their case, they return to Earth again and again to learn their lessons, until they become white horses and can ascend in a blaze of light. Then these horses work with us in their spiritual bodies as unicorns.

While angels work through the heart, unicorns work with the soul.

Angels help and guide their human charges in all sorts of ways. They smooth our paths and respond to requests as long as they are for the highest good. They guard and protect those in their care and whisper higher choices to them. Their wings enfold, comfort and succour their charges.

The great ascended horses on the other hand look for those who radiate a light and have a vision beyond their little selves. They seek people who aspire to help others and to change the world for the better, even if it is just their small corner of it.

The light of a unicorn is so powerful that it enters people gradually, in waves, only ever as much as an individual can cope with at any time.

They help you hold your vision and give you courage and faith to continue in the face of challenges and opposition. They strengthen and steady you, so that you have the dignity and charisma to fight for what you believe is right. Unicorns grant wishes. Angels do this too for they grant wishes of the heart, those things that make you feel happier and lighter.

Unicorns grant soul wishes, those things that satisfy you deeply and help you fulfil your pre-life contract.

They encourage you to hold on to your aspirations and visions, to stand up for those ambitions that are for the highest good of all. They have the long-term growth of your soul, your community and the world in mind.

Clairvoyants see unicorns as shining white horses with a spiralling horn of light from their brow chakra, the chakra of enlightenment. One psychic told me that when she saw a unicorn it was like seeing a million diamonds sparkling in the sunlight, so bright that she could scarcely look at it.

Their horn can be likened to a magic wand, pouring out divine energy. Wherever they direct this light, healing takes place. This is not just physical and emotional healing but also soul healing. They dissolve and heal the deepest, most profound wounds of the soul, which may have plagued you for many lifetimes. If you are ready the unicorns can help you clear all that karma, whether these are personal, family or country lessons. You can call on them to help.

One of the most wondrous sights is to see the Lords of Karma, who are of the angelic rank of Powers, cross the heavens as they perform their duties, surrounded by hundreds of unicorns. Powers vibrate at a frequency far beyond the archangels and are mighty lights.

Unicorns reconnect people to their spirit. When you think about a unicorn it wakens an energy within you that aligns you to higher realms. And if you meet a unicorn in dreams or meditations, your soul is connecting to the unicorn energy and great changes take place. Behind the scenes they are inspiring you.

The unicorns carry qualities of love, peace, calm, gentleness, hope, majesty, caring, magic and mystery. They will come to you when you are ready, helping you too to develop your unicorn qualities. Of course, they work in cooperation with animals as well as the angels and elementals.

While they are perfectly balanced in their male and female qualities, they are considered to carry feminine energy. This is because wisdom, compassion and love are more powerful than masculine qualities.

While angels take people’s prayers and the wishes of their hearts to God, the unicorns, working at a soul level, take the soul longing of individuals to the Creator and enable great visions to be fulfilled. Sometimes these longings are like the flicker of a candle but the unicorns see them and fan them with their breath to try to ignite the sparks into flames. In this way the aims and aspirations of some of the greatest people have been brought forward.

Hoito yksisarvisten energioilla (

yksisarvishoitokurssi Helsinki, yksisarvisten energian kanavoiminen, kaukohoitokurssi Helsinki, energiahoitokurssi Lahti, energiahoitokurssi netissä, kaukohoitokurssi netissä, kaukohoitokurssi Oulu, yksisarvishoitokurssi Oulu, yksisarvishoitokurssi netissä, yksisarviset energiahoidossa, yksisarvisenergiahoito, yksisarvishoito, mitä yksisarviset ovat, miten yksisarviset voivat auttaa meitä, kuka uskoo yksisarvisiin