Dolphins — What Are They?

Have you been fascinated about doplhins?

This is why!

From The Search For Hidden, Sacred Knowledge

We then went on to ask the questions that Deb had written down before the session. One of the questions dealt with Deb’s connection and fascination with the dolphins.

Db: Part of the connection goes back to other planets, more water-based ones. The dolphins are not totally from here, they were brought. They were not originally from this planet.

D: I’ve heard of the water planets, where everything is so free and easy. Is that the planets you mean? (Yes)

So that’s why she has the connection with the dolphins because she goes back to a time when she was on those planets. (Yes)

And one of these creatures? (Yes)

Dolphins are very special, aren’t they?

Db: Yes, they are. They’re not just smart mammals. They’re like us, but they never forgot; they never devolved. They never forgot the connection with Creator, and they never forgot the connection with each other.

D: And that’s why she is able to communicate with them, and feels at home with them.

Db: Yes. And the fragment, that’s why it went there. – They are guardians also. There is one of the skulls, at least one, under the ocean, and there are those among the dolphins who are the guardians.

(Juhanin lisäys: skull viittaa kristallikalloon. Näistä on kirjoitettu Doloresin matskuissa myös, voisin joskus koostaa.)

The Convoluted Universe book 3:

Many other clients have described coming from a beautiful water planet, where they were experiencing lives as different types of sea creatures. They had no responsibility and such freedom that they didn't want to leave.

B: I'm observing as if watching a movie. I don't feel like I'm there, it feels like I'm watching something. I don't feel any emotion attached to it, but I see oceans, I see whales, and I see dolphins. I'm breathing underwater. It doesn't feel like water, it feels thicker than water. It feels like some kind of medium. It's very fluid, it's heavier than air, but it's not as heavy as water. It's not cold, it feels smooth, it feels silky, and when you look around it actually sparkles a little bit. I feel fluid, and I don't feel my shape. I don't feel like a dolphin or a whale. I see dolphins and whales. It's odd, but it's almost as if you had some silken cloth and you pulled it through the water, that would be me. I have some substance. I'm a little more dense than what's around me, but I have a hard time describing. I can't see myself, but I feel very fluid. And everything is swimming. There's nothing walking around on two legs.

D: You don't see any land? (No)

So what do you have to do at that blue place?

B: What they said is, “You're coded.” They used the word “code.” Coded with what? And I heard, “It's all a step in creating the form.” It must be coded, and it must be coded in a fluid place. And it's all through vibration. They didn't say “vibration,” they said it's all “energy.” She began having difficulty finding the correct words to describe this. This is a common occurrence. I told her to do the best she could.

B: You get coded, they said. And then everything is built from the fluid. As you progress you go through the fluid place. And this fluid place is very blue. And I can see forms that look like whales; but it's not really a whale, it kind of looks like that. And I can hear tones like the dolphins toning. Alright, one is coming up to me right now and they're bouncing the tones back and forth. And I'm being built. That's an interesting word to us: built. It feels very clinical when I say that, and I'm not attached to the word. It's so interesting, it's like my body's being built.

D: Is that part of the coding you were talking about?(Exactly.)

So they have to take the essence that you were, in other words, and then make it into something more solid?

B: Exactly! And that's where it's done for me. That's where I am built, or where I was built. It's so interesting the way I'm seeing it because it's very matter of fact, like this is just the way it is. It's all done through toning, like these tones are coming through.

She had difficulty explaining what she was seeing. She said, “It's so odd, it feels like a science fiction movie.” Apparently they were building a human form, and it was done with tones. She saw herself with others coming out of the water as full-sized people, not little infants. They were walking out of the water as fully developed people, and there were many of them. The exception was that they did not have all of their “details” yet. They all looked the same, legs, arms, bodies, but with no defining features. “Now I'm actually seeing it mature before my very eyes. Now the people are getting hair and eyes. They are being created.—Yet I don't see anybody doing it.”

D: So what are you going to do with the form now, once it is created?

B: Now we get the knowledge. Now we go into this—it feels more like a structure, it doesn't feel out in nature any more. There are people there, a building, even though I don't recognize the building. It feels very matter of fact, and yes, this is the way it is done. You go in here and—it feels like it's happening very fast, but I don't have a sense of time.

D: Let me ask you a question before you go any further. Why did they make your form look like a human? It could look like anything, couldn't it?

B: Because I chose Earth. Yes, it could have been anything.

D: But in this case everyone looked like humans?

B: That's a very good question. Let me really, really look. I immediately said “human” because it's the same size and height—arms, legs, head, torso. But no, we're not. It looks like it could be human, but they don't come into form like a human does. It's the way they're made. So they're made differently like we saw. They're not born like a human, so it's not a human. It's interesting; it's almost like that's the best shape for you to take for what you're doing—what they're doing.

D: All right. So now you're inside this building, and you said there you get knowledge.

B: Yes. There's a table and there are papers on the table, and people sitting around the table. It's like there are plans or something on the table, the papers. And the table is lit from beneath. And the people that I'm looking at look like .... All different kinds of beings! Oh, wow! It's interesting because the basic shape is human – arms, legs, torso, head, eyes – that is the same. But there are certain things that are different so you know they're not a human form. Like one person, their eyes are different; there are no eyelids, no eyelashes. There are several people sitting around this table; they do have clothes on. It's like I'm observing, I'm being shown this.

D: What is their purpose with the papers?

B: It's so funny because when I ask this—well, of course! You know! This is where the plan is made. The plan for where you're going next. There are seven of us that just walked in the room.

D: There are seven in your group?

B: Exactly! There are seven of us that came out of the water together. And now it's on to this next place. The worst thing is I don't see where we're going. (Sigh) This is where you go and you talk about it. It's like the decisions have already been made, and this is where they tell you.

D: What did they tell you?

B: They said I was going to Earth.

D: Did you know what Earth was?

B: No. I feel really weird because .... You don't logically get from one place to another in this place. I'm looking at it from a direction, and they're being very gentle with me, I can tell. It's like they're saying, “Within your understanding we have to show it to you this way, so that you can get an idea of what is happening.” Okay, so I'm in a form. And then all of a sudden I'm formless, and I'm not sure where I am.

(Juhanin alleviivaus: “Within your understanding we have to show it to you this way, so that you can get an idea of what is happening.”)

The Convoluted Universe book 3:

“I am just swimming. It’s very pretty. Nice and cool. The water’s very clear.” She said she did not feel she was using any breathing apparatus, so I didn’t know if she was human or animal. Then she saw that she was a black-haired native male. He had a knife in his belt that he used to cut open fruit for food. He did not use it to catch the fish, because he considered them his brothers. “I can stay under the water for quite a while, and then come back up. It doesn’t hurt me.” He greatly enjoyed being around the fish and the dolphins. “They come when I call them. I like the dolphins. They are so pretty. They show me things. They show me how they see things, hear things. They can hear me calling to them. It vibrates. It’s like energy. Vibration. Like when you drop a pebble, the water ripples. It vibrates like that and it ripples. They say they know when I get in the water.”

D: So they don’t hear the way humans do?

T: No. The dolphins say they’re Star people.

D: What does that mean?

T: I don’t know. They just show me this picture that the ocean goes on forever. Up. It goes up forever and ever. It’s really pretty.

D: I want to understand that. You mean like an ocean on Earth?

T: Yes, it’s like the ocean. When I ask them what they mean, they just say they can travel through. They show me this picture, it’s a big blue crystal. And they say, see, we can go to the stars and come back. Out and back, out and back.

D: Do you mean it’s like space instead of an ocean?

T: Yes, yes. Space is like an ocean. They say it’s all the same.

D: When they do that, do they travel in their dolphin bodies?

T: No. It’s blue, but it’s your essence. It’s sparkly. I don’t know how to describe it. Like sparkles. It changes. It’s not a shape. It just is.

D: I was wondering if they went with their dolphin bodies, or how they travel.

T: They can. They can go with the dolphin to bring messages back.

D: Who are the messages from?

T: First they said God, and then they say Star people. She was speaking as a simple native who appeared to be naive, was not complicated, and simply believed whatever information he was getting.

T: They’re connecting me through this blue tube that looks like a big blue crystal of some kind. It’s a tube. It’s really pretty in there. It’s not water.

D: Where is the tube?

T: I don’t know. It just goes up forever.

D: Out of the water?

T: Yes. And I can see myself go up, up this tube. They show me what it looks like there. (Hesitation, as she looked for an explanation.) Light. Lots of light. Things coming and going all the time. Ships.

D: But I thought that the dolphins would be physical creatures like humans. And they wouldn’t be able to travel like that.

T: No, they can go wherever they want to. (This was a surprise.) People think they have them trapped. They don’t.

D: Do the other fish do the same thing?

T: No, just the dolphins.

His answers were almost childish in their simplicity. He returned to describing the blue tube that came out of the water.

T: It goes from the water all the way up. Up high. Too high to see. Stars, there’s stars all around when you get past the Earth. You can look back and see the Earth.

D: Can you see through this tube?

T: Yes, you can see outside of it. They call it a portal. He was not frightened because he had done this many times, yet this was the first time he consciously remembered doing it.

D: Are they going with you, or are you going by yourself?

T: They let me hang onto their fins.

D: They must like you very much if they’re letting you go with them.

T: They just say, “You’re one of us.”

D: They wouldn’t let just anybody go, would they?

T: No. You have to know where this portal is. I know where it goes in the sky, but I don’t know where it goes in the Earth. They don’t want me to see that.

They did not want the wrong people to know its location, but its entrance was in the water. He then described what he saw as he went up in the sky.

T: We came out of the tube, and we’re over the city. They show me what it looks like there. (Hesitation, as she looked for an explanation.) The city’s all crystal. It’s like having crystals stacked on top of one another. It’s a very deep blue. I’m seeing another color, maybe sapphire blue. Light. Lots of light. But there are ships that are coming and going all the time. They look like bullets, almost like the dolphin shape. No nose, no eyes, but they’re shaped kind of like that. They’re dark grey, and they come and go all the time. (Pause) It’s a power point. There’s a big, bright light right in the middle of all this. It’s really intense white light.

D: You called it a power point. Is that because of its brightness?

T: No. It’s a point in the universe that you start from. – There are tables there.

D: Can you ask them what that’s used for?

T: Astronomy. (Pause) It’s some kind of ... astronomy. They plot the stars. The table looks like marble or rock, and there are all kinds of inscriptions on it.

D: Where is the table?

T: In this place where the white light is. It looks like it comes out of the middle of these points of crystal. But I came down into this place where the table is. It’s round, and there are inscriptions all over it. Line after line of inscriptions. I don’t recognize the writing.

D: Is there anybody else in the room?

T: Yes. My grandfather. (That was a surprise.)

D: Ask him what this place is?

T: He’s laughing. He says, “It’s your home.” (Chuckle) He says, “You’re a mathematician.”

D: You didn’t know that, did you?

T: No. I have trouble with math.

D: Yes. You are a native, and you don’t use math, do you? (Pause. There was confusion.) Is that what you mean? Or is this something different?

T: (Confused) I see myself back there. My hair is funny, I have big thick bangs. But my grandfather says, “That’s not who you are, though.”

D: Do you see yourself looking different?

T: Yes, now I’m different. Now I’m a woman, and I have a purple robe with a big white collar. And down the back is ... a long point to the collar with a tassel hanging from it. I have long curly auburn hair that is down past my waist.

D: So you changed when you came out of the tube?

T: Yes. The dolphins left me at the doorway. They said they would be back. And then I saw my grandfather, and now I look different.

D: And he said this was home. (Yes) How does that make you feel?

T: (A sigh of relief.) Comfortable.

D: So it’s nothing scary.

T: No. I’m just visiting.

D: Ask him, is this the spirit side?

T: He just said, “But of course.”

D: We think of the spirit side as where you go when you die and leave your body.

T: He says, I don’t need to worry about that. That I come and go.

D: I wondered if it was similar, or if it was a different place.

T: A different place. (Listening carefully as the grandfather tried to explain.) They’re not here. They’re below us. They live in another city.

D: The ones who have died and left their bodies?

T: Yes. They live in another place. The vibration is much lower there.

D: Then, where you live, do you have to reincarnate and go into other bodies?

T: I don’t have to. I can stay or go.

D: In the spirit realm, the lower vibration, do they have to go back and forth?

T: Yes. They don’t have a choice. They get lectured to, and then they go back. They listen to talks. There are many teachers that they have to listen to.

D: But you don’t have to die to go to this place where you are now?

T: No. I can go back and forth.

D: But the physical body doesn’t know this is happening?

T: No. It’s still down there with its family.

D: Can you do that? Leave the physical body, and journey to a place like this?

T: Yes. Whenever I want to.

D: But doesn’t that affect the physical body when you leave it?

T: No. It’s a shell. It just waits until I come back.

D: How does it wait? Is it living?

T: I see that person down there grinding corn right now.

D: He’s going along with his regular life. (Yes) And he doesn’t even know that a part of him has left. Would that be correct?

T: Yes. I just need an anchor here. It’s like, he has to have that portal to come back to.

D: That’s because you’re not ready to leave the body all together?

T: No, I have work to do there.

D: But does the entire soul or spirit or essence or whatever you are, leave at one time? (Yes) It can do that and leave the body there?

T: Yes. I’m watching it.

D: The body will still function? (Yes) He doesn’t even know anything has happened.

T: No. It just goes on about its daily work.

D: That’s quite miraculous. I’m trying to understand how that would work.

T: I don’t know how that works. I just see that person down there.

D: And why did you come to this place, your home?

T: I have to take information back. That person down there, he’s also a religious leader. I hear the word “acolyte”. They go to a grotto. It’s underground. There’s water there. It’s not a cave. The ocean rushes in and out. He takes back the information I give him. Numbers. He takes numbers back.

D: What does he do with the numbers?

T: (Pause) They put them in something. I don’t know what it is. It’s like a safe.

D: Why does he have to take numbers back?

T: These people can’t live.

D: It depends on the numbers?

T: Yes. The information comes back. They use it to guide ... they guide ships in. Those tubes. They come in.

D: But the people don’t know what these numbers are used for, do they?

T: No. They’re not very smart people.

D: So he has to have the numbers, and it’s used to guide the ships to this place? (Yes) You said he was like a religious leader. Is that why he can talk to the dolphins?

T: Yes. The people think he’s ... he’s not a guide. I don’t know the word. But he talks to the spirit world. He uses herbs and things to heal them. They think he’s a healer. He has visions.

D: And the people there respect him for this. But does he know where this information comes from?

T: He thinks this woman talks to him as an angel. But actually it’s himself.

D: It’s the other part of himself that is giving him the information. (Yes) Then when he dies, will he go directly to the place you are now? He doesn’t have to go to the lower vibration?

T: Well, his physical body does. But the other part of him will come up the tube.

D: I was thinking he was different from the rest of the people.

T: Yes. He has to live alone out there. He has his family, but his wife is ... she doesn’t understand.

D: It usually happens that way. But he doesn’t know all of it, does he?

T: No. Too much information for him. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. – He doesn’t know how to use the physical body to transmit the information. It’s weak. He’s sick. He takes on the illness of the people that come to him. I’ve tried to help him, but he can’t ....

D: It’s wonderful to help people, but he shouldn’t take that on? (No) But what is he going to do with this information you’re sending back to him?

T: It’s for later. Next time he’ll be able to handle it better.

D: And even though they have a bigger self, they’re the ones that are still caught in karma, the lower vibrations? (Yes) When you are able to progress up the rope ladder, does anything have to happen so you are finally out of the karma?

T: It’s like death, but there is no death. Some people follow it back. They find the rope, and they hit like a wall or something, and they fall back down. My grandfather says, “You continue looking over that top. You can see me, then.”

D: I wondered if you had to do something, or something had to happen when you finally went past that part.

T: Oh, yes, the struggle. You just have to forgive. You have to stop ... just stop. No more anger. No more ... no anger.

D: You mean, finally you understand what’s going on?

T: Yes. It’s so unimportant, what’s here in the Earth. My grandfather says it’s what’s written on this tablet, this table.

D: All those inscriptions? (Yes) So when you finally reach that point, you understand what’s happening. Is that what you mean?

T: If I look back, like over the edge of a wall, I see all these lives. And only a few climb up. They’re miserable. Angry. They’re so angry.

D: So there comes a time when you’re able to graduate, so to speak, or progress further? (Yes) But if you have done that, why are you still experiencing lives on Earth?

T: My grandfather calls me a “way shower.”

D: I would think if you had reached that point, you would not need to go back.

T: There are people following.

D: So you chose to continue coming back so you could help others? (Yes) That’s very important, because otherwise, they don’t know what they’re supposed to do.

T: No. They’re very frustrated. They don’t listen sometimes. They get angry.

In one of my books, I was told there were many people on Earth doing the same thing as Jesus and the other masters. It’s just that they do not make themselves noticed.

The Convoluted Universe book 2:

How do dolphins or sea creatures see, and what is their range of vision? Do we really know? Maybe they can see a much wider range with their eyes located on either side of their head. It certainly appeared to be that way.

D: That’s interesting. And you think there’s another one there?

R: I think. Or I saw. I’m moving in and out, looking around. Because I was in and then I moved out to see what the body looked like. So I think it’s mine. It’s smooth. Soft. (With conviction.) I’m a dolphin. It’s very peaceful. It’s surprising.

D: Does it feel good to be in the water?

R: Yes. It feels free. No restrictions. You have all that you need right there.

D: Just complete freedom in the water. (Yes) What do you do with your time? Of course, right now you said you were sleeping.

R: Sleeping. It’s time to do something now that I’m awake. We just exist ... we just live! There’s no plan. There’s eating. Just have to eat. But right now it seems ... as we just float and then ... it’s hard to relate. There’s no job. No must do something. Other than just feel. And to feel – I don’t know – nice, really. This is somewhat strange to me right now.

D: Why is it strange?

R: Because I can’t put it in the right context. I can’t label it.

D: Just do the best you can. What do you eat?

R: Oh, other fish.

D: Are you able to breathe in the water?

R: Yes. But air. Amazing! (Pause) I’m seeing something. I’m seeing buildings that are ... on the shore.

D: Are you on top of the water now?

R: Kind of. Sort of. Sideways. I can see them with my head above the water. They’re kind of like huts. Like jungley-kind of things, with the grass roofs. I just wonder who they are? What it is?

D: Have you ever seen people? (No) Have you seen the shore like that before? (No. No.) Mostly been out at sea? (Yes)

He obviously was becoming and identifying more with the dolphin. His answers were slow and simple.

D: And now you can see the edge where the water stops? (Yes)

I was structuring my questions toward a very simple being. I didn’t think it would understand anything too complex. It had already demonstrated that it was a sentient or feeling being.

D: What does that feel like?

R: Curious.

D: To know there is a boundary in the water or what?

R: Yes. (He had difficulty finding the words.) It’s... why ... what is it? It’s different. I feel like I’ve got to go somewhere else. There was a long pause. He was obviously having difficulty finding the proper words in the dolphin’s brain.

R: (Long pause as he stumbled for words.) It’s the ... it’s just ... I don’t know. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand what those ... what it’s doing here. What ... why I’m here. And why I’m doing it. It’s something new. And I don’t understand it. And I don’t know. I understand things where I was. I don’t understand this. And I don’t know what it is. It’s just different.

It was obvious that as a sea creature he was used to seeing nothing but the water. Now he could see that the sea had boundaries, and the group of huts was something he was unfamiliar with, so there was no way to describe it.

D: But you said you had the feeling you should go somewhere else?

R: Yes, for a moment there I felt like I should be gone.

D: What did you mean by, going somewhere else?

R: Like away. Like moving fast.

D: Away from where those huts were?

R: No, away from that ... that where I am. Me. I’m .... (Pause) Out of that body?

D: Tell me what’s happening. What does it feel like?

R: I’m confused. Because I can see that body. That ... porpoise. And then it’s like I want to leave that. Or want to go somewhere else. I felt like I was moving fast for a moment. Then it stopped, because it startled me. But I’d like to go back there. I liked it in the dolphin, but I don’t ... it was too ... (had difficulty) confusing ... too different? I couldn’t relate to it.

D: But if you want to go somewhere else, you can. You can go anywhere you want to go. We’re looking for something that’s appropriate and has meaning. So let’s move to where that is. Tell me what’s happening as you move. What do you see as you go to something else that is appropriate and important for you to know about?

I then contacted his subconscious so we could ask his questions. The main one I was concerned with was the reason for showing him the lifetime as the dolphin or sea creature.

D: Why did you show him that life?

R: Because it is alien. Because it is somewhere from whence his true roots are. He has been altered in a way to experience “humanness” from the roots of that first incarnation.

D: Was that his first incarnation on Earth?

R: No. It was another place which does not have humans. Only those types of beings.

D: The ones that live in the water?

R: Yes. That is why he experienced the time of moving fast. For he was a curious one, and wondered what it would be like on that place, that shore. That vision that he had of the trees and the huts. That was why he didn’t understand it. It was a vision of a place he had never seen.

D: Then that was not a physical place in his water world?

R: It was a physical place of which he was curious about. He was curious as to what it would be like to be out of the water. So he desired that experience.

D: And this led to him reincarnating as a human being?

R: Ultimately it did. These are his true roots. That’s where it all began for him on this journey.

D: In the water world.

R: From the water world.

D: And you said he had to be altered?

R: Yes. His alteration took place in a series of processes. Vibrational shifts. Assisted by ones who are still assisting the infinimentation of the planet. The experiment has been going on for many millennia. They chose and they asked. They sought out core and root stock, which could be used and modified for the human experience.

D: But couldn’t the soul, the spirit just come and enter a human body?

R: It had to be modified. There are incompatibilities between the soul, the energy, the essences of that water creature. Before coming to this experience, those modifications were necessary in order for the creature to properly understand the feelings, or the instincts, that were programmed into the human.

D: I see. So it would have been too difficult – or impossible – for him to come directly from the water creature into a human being.

R: That is correct.


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