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Do Mermaids Exist?

Past Lifes as Mermaids

There are few cases recorded in Dolores Cannon’s book series The Convoluted Universe, when a person in hypnosis go to a past life / parallel reality where mermaids exist!

The Convoluted Universe, book 5:

She spent several minutes describing, in and out of beautiful colors and patterns, until she emerged from the tube and felt like she was still underwater, but in a larger body of water like the ocean.

“There’s nothing scary there at all. It’s just feeling the fluidity of things... beautiful patterns of light. Now I feel like I’m out of the water sitting there. Now I have awareness of myself. It seems like I have a tail...but I think I’m human, too. I think maybe I’m a mermaid. Oh, there I go again. I made the plunge and back into the water. I checked that out and I went back in the water again. It’s beautiful down here with so many things to explore and I keep moving around. There’s so much space down here, so many beautiful colors.”

Now that she had finally settled into a form (albeit an unusual one) I asked her to describe herself.

L: Long hair. I have a large tail. I feel very feminine, very beautiful and very playful. I feel like I’m dancing with the bubbles, with all the things I see. It’s just like a playground. There’s so much to explore! I look up at the top of the water because I’m curious about it. I want to know what’s up there. So I take little swims to take chances. I want to go outside of this nice, comfortable space to see what’s on the surface. I just did that, before I took the plunge, just to check it out.

D: But you didn’t want to stay there.

L: There was nothing to see, so I checked it out and I’m doing more exploring. I am very happy.

D: Do you have to eat anything?

L: I don’t think about eating. I really am not hungry. It’s not what I want to do.

D: I was just curious. Because it seems like a solid physical body, doesn’t it?

L: Yes. I know that I eat, but I don’t eat anything that’s alive. I’m in harmony, so I eat the vegetable food inside the water.

D: Is that hard to find anything like that?

L: No, it’s all there. It’s all plentiful.

D: I was thinking if you have a physical body, you have to have something to sustain it. (Yes) But you don’t want to eat other things that are alive?

L: No, they’re my friends. We all play together.

D: You communicate with each other?

L: Absolutely!

D: Is that hard to do?

L: No, not at all. They’re my friends. I play with all the different life forms there. I just go into vortexes and spin around.

D: Are there different vortexes there?

L: I create them with my body. That’s how I move. I spin.

D: So you don’t just swim as the fish do?

L: Well, we all kind of interplay together.

D: But you like to twirl around and create vortexes?

L: Yes, I do. It’s fun to create them. And it’s fun to go into them.

D: But you said there are all kinds of life forms there, too.

L: Yes. They’re almost all aquatic fish and different things, very colorful and very beautiful. I don’t see any other mermaids.

D: I was going to ask if you saw any others like yourself.

L: Not yet. I don’t see them, but I have a sense of them being there. All I have to do is call them in and they’re there.

D: But do you feel like you are half human, half fish?

L: Yes, definitely.

D: How does a body like that feel?

L: Wonderful... free. It’s beautiful, healthy. It’s vibrant. It’s gorgeous. It’s hard to express. It’s shiny and shimmering and smooth. And, oh! You can move around so much in this body because it’s so flexible. There’s so much freedom and movement.

D: And you like being there with all the other creatures?

L: God, yes! All we do all day is play! We have the whole ocean. We can go anywhere we want.

It appeared that she was enjoying this so much that all she did was spend time playing and having fun. This could have gone on for quite a while. So I decided to move the story along and took her ahead to an important day when something was happening.

L: Well, I’m looking out of the water peering up. There’s a bank of rocks. The sunlight is shining on the rocks, and I see standing before me this creature. He looks like a man and I’ve been discovered!

D: A creature like a man?

L: Yes. He’s a man. He’s very curious about me. And I could swim away, but I’m not. I’m too curious.

D: You’re curious about him, too? (Yes) Is this the first time you’ve seen one of those....

L: Right, and I don’t have any reference to any state of fear... just curious. So I don’t know if what I’ve found is going to hurt me or not.

D: Because you’ve never had any reason to be afraid.

L: No, I’ve never been afraid. I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad. He is very close to me. Now I’m not getting a good feeling about him. It’s not something positive. Like it’s foreboding. It feels like I’m in an alien place... environment. I’m out of my environment that I’m used to. Now I’m starting to get cold. I feel like I don’t have warmth around me anymore and there’s darkness. I don’t see any light. I don’t see any reflections of color.

D: You could have gotten back in the water, but you didn’t do it.

L: Well, I got trapped. I was trapped. I think I got in some kind of trap.

D: What did the man do?

L: At first he looked at me and examined me.

D: He was able to touch you?

L: Yes, because I was in his trap, and all I can see is like a dark veil around me... darkness or some kind of an entrapment thing.

D: What do you mean by a trap?

L: Like a net.

D: A net? Then you think he put a net over you? Does that feel right?

L: Yes. Or I was caught in one. I was in his net when he looked down at me. He was on top of the rocks looking down at me where I was in the water. I was captured.

D: In the net. Okay, what happens when he caught you in the net?

L: He pulls me out by the hair and throws me on the side. I feel like I’m trying to get away. He pulled me out of the net, but he’s got a hold of me now. I don’t have a sense of what he looks like. It just seems like a big black ogre of some kind. There’s black... there’s no whiteness to him. (I don’t know whether this was his appearance or just the feeling of the negative energy surrounding him.) I don’t feel safe. I feel like there’s a struggle like I’m a plaything.

D: He’s probably curious about you, too. He doesn’t know what you are.

L: Oh, I kind of think he knows what I am. He’s been trying to catch me...catch one of those. I don’t see him as a man. I see him as a big black ogre looking... sharp toothed.

D: Anyway, you see him as something to fear? (Yes) Let’s see what happens. You can watch it as an observer if you want to. You don’t have to experience it.

L: I think I’m his food. He’s eating me. He’s ripping and shredding me.

I have had my clients experience many deaths in every conceivable way. But this has to be among the strangest.

L: I was killed and he lets me go back in the water. I don’t think he devoured me. He just clawed and sliced me up and threw me back. Not into pieces or anything, but I see me going down, down, down, down, down... motionless. I don’t think he wanted to eat me as food. I think he wanted to kill me.

D: I guess he didn’t understand what you were.

L: Well, even if he did, he probably couldn’t handle the light. I don’t know. It’s dark.

D: What do you mean, “He couldn’t handle the light”?

L: Well, I’m delightful. I’m playful. I’m loving. My voice is beautiful when I sing and he just didn’t like that. It wasn’t something that he could understand or like. So what you don’t like... you swat, I guess.

D: That’s what some people do when they don’t understand something. So you said you see yourself going down in the water?

L: Yes, motionless and lifeless. I am in the process of leaving, moving away from the body.

D: Tell me what happened.

L: Separation... light energy. I’m not sure where it’s going now.

D: At least you’re out of it.

L: Yes, I left that body.

D: How do you feel about the man who did those things?

L: I don’t judge him.

D: You didn’t really realize what was happening, did you?

L: No. It’s just that I got curious and you know what happens to curiosity.

D: Tell me what happens as you leave the body. Are you going somewhere or what?

L: Yes. I see a ring of something light or it feels like the body is light. And I’m going through this energy field of light and there’s like a council there.

D: Can you feel the light? (Yes) Tell me about the Council. What do they look like?

L: They’re like human beings dressed in robes. They’re shiny. They’re luminescent. I feel a sense of wisdom from them. I’m being greeted. I’m told what had happened so I’m embraced and I’m not sure what’s next.

D: Did they say anything about the life you just left?

L: No, they’re just greeting me. And there is a sense of incredible peace and support and love there. Just a lot of love energy.

D: Can you ask them what the purpose of that life was, because every life has a purpose?

L: They are having to show me visuals. Your purpose was to help show the entity that there’s more than just existence that that entity was having. Not my entity, but the entity that killed me. So that contact was to show that entity a glimpse of what else is there. More than what that entity was experiencing, and so that glimmer of light can somehow uplift that entity. So that he can see more than what he was before, so there would be more glimmer in his life than he had before. So even if it didn’t seem positive... it was.

D: So it was more for him than it was for you?

L: Yes. Because where I was I was so happy. It was beautiful. A beautiful life of harmony, of joy. I fulfilled my purpose. It was a contract. We were there for me and him. My contract was to share that part of me with him so he could have that experience.

D: It was not a waste then?

L: Nothing’s a waste.

D: Do you think it taught him something?

L: Absolutely! It was like planting a seed. Oh, yes, he did laugh, but still it was a victory. He’s changed. He’s not the same anymore. He’s shifted. It affected him.

D: So there was a reason for it. (Yes) Well, what are you going to do now? Did they tell you?

L: Not yet. (Laugh)

D: I mean, that life is over. You can’t go back to it.

L: They haven’t spoken about it yet. I don’t know exactly what’s next.

D: Well, it shows we don’t always know the purpose for things, or the reasons for things.

L: No, we don’t. It is so beautiful here. I’m feeling enveloped in so much love and light energy. It’s like I’m floating. It’s very peaceful. It’s beautiful!

D: That’s a good place. But eventually you’re going to have to leave it, aren’t you?

L: Yes. I believe that I am assisted to find the next place. I think I’ve been given a direction and I’m not sure where the direction is just yet.

D: Do you have a choice or does somebody make the decisions for you?

L: Well, they read my heart energy, and they guide me to my next direction of my heart to help me to find the next place. I feel like now I’m floating and there are guides on both sides of me, and we’re flying or floating to another place. I’m not sure where we’re going yet in the process of moving.

D: Have you ever lived in the body of a human before? That one wasn’t really human, was it?

L: It was half human, I guess.

The Convoluted Universe, book 1

D: Then these were true physical creatures.

P: That is accurate. They were castoffs in their own society. For there were those who considered themselves pure and looked down on these creatures that they termed of "less pure" expression. There then became somewhat of a caste society, such as you have in India today. There are those who are considered to be of a higher nature, and those considered of a lesser nature.

D: Then when these forms appeared, like half-man half-horse and different ones of this nature, were they able to reproduce of their own kind?

P: Not so, for theirs was not a genetic blueprint. They were merely expressions of that which was of the spiritual nature, and not in and of themselves a race of beings, such as you have now. There are those races of beings, be they human or animal.

D: Then they were one of a kind.

P: That is accurate.

D: There seem to be so many stories about different types.

P: That is accurate. For there were more than singular events of this cross-migration. There were multiple events. However, they were not in and of themselves what you would term "a race" of creatures. To explain this further, we need to perhaps give you a short discourse on this awareness of spiritual integration.

In the physical or human expression, there are those energies which in and of themselves are human in nature. We speak here strictly in a spiritual sense, disregarding any type of physical component. These are human energies. In physical expression these human energies appear in physical as you know them, in human form. The reality here is that the physical is simply an expression of that which is spiritual. The human form, physically speaking, is merely an expression of that energy which is human in nature. The life force which is peculiarly or particularly human in nature translates down to the physical level in human form. There are those energies, such as that which you would call "grass" energy. A blade of grass is simply a physical manifestation of that energy which is of the blade of grass nature. So you see there are many forms of energy. And these different forms of energy translate differently into the physical level. The universe is made of energy. The physical universe is simply an expression or a translation of these higher energies. So you see, the reality of the universe is based on spiritual energy. The physical universe is nothing more than an expression or a translation of that which is spiritual in nature. Therefore, when one takes a spiritual energy and translates it down into a physical expression, you have what is perceived as a physical form, which is simply reflecting or translating that spiritual energy of which it is a contingent. So when you look around and see these physical forms, you are in fact seeing nothing more than reflections or translations. These are reflections or translations based on, or derived from, those energies of which they are a component or reflection of. So that in transmigration, one finds a mixing of these energies. The energy that is peculiarly or particularly horse energy mingling with or mixing with that energy which in expression is human. And so in this mingling or mixing of energies, the expression then naturally becomes part horse and part human.

D: Then in that way; you're using the centaur as an example; they would usually look alike. This is why we have this legend of the half-man and half-horse?

P: That is accurate. However, the proportions of mix were not consistent. There was the general agreement that this was half-horse or perhaps half-human. However, there was no law or dictate that demanded that the human part extend from where the neck of the horse perhaps would be. The expressions were not identical in all cases, however they were similar.

D: Then the legends just gave a generalization.

P: That is accurate.

D: Then the stories of mermaids and the harpies: half-bird and half-female, all came from these actual happenings.

P: That is accurate.

D: Then at that time these creatures did roam the Earth, but as you said, they were looked down upon.

P: We would not say they roamed the Earth. For they were not spread throughout the entire population of the planet. They were in fact localized or segregated into those areas in which the experimentation was taking place. In those areas where the culture had reached that high state of awareness, so that these experiments could manifest.

D: This is why these legends are, more or less, in certain cultures today.

P: That is accurate. The experience was known to many throughout the evolution of the planet. However, the actual physical manifestations were somewhat localized to the Atlantean incarnation.

D: What about their cooking or eating habits.

J: They have these areas that are like big vineyards and gardens. And they have these strange looking beings taking care of all that. They work the fields and gardens. They look like centaurs and mermaids and goats. And all the food that comes into the kitchen area is then processed by these creatures. They do all the planting and harvesting and picking of the fruits. And they're given food in return. Most of the Atlanteans love them very much, like a good farmer loves his horses and takes good care of them. These strange creatures are treated like benevolent animals. So in some parts of the continent these creatures were created and appreciated.

D: I'm curious about those animals. Where did they come from?

J: They were created for that purpose. They were genetically engineered.

D: You said there were mermaids?

J: Yes, the mermaids go into the waters and bring back baskets of fish. The people come and they laugh and they sing and they stroke these animals and kiss them and hold them, and let them know that they're loved and that they're grateful for what they're doing. And the creatures prepare the food as well. Not the mermaid. The mermaid stays at this pond type thing because she's half-fish. While the little centaurs bring in these wagon loads of baskets of food and fruits and things of this nature, that goes into a central kitchen. And there is one being that has an upper human body but has goat feet. And there's a kitchen type of atmosphere, but the kitchen doesn't look anything like our kitchens. It has cupboards though to keep things in. But basically the food is not cooked as much as it's processed live, like fruits are sliced up or peeled. The fish and things of that type go into a thing that cooks them very quickly. It has different areas of it. It's like a microwave type of thing but it isn't a microwave. It looks like a crystal chamber where the foods are put that need to be cooked like fish. I don't see any meat there. I just see the fish and crustaceans, like scallops and clams and things like that. And they're just heated to the point where they're not alive anymore. And then they're eaten.

D: Were these creatures created genetically to be servants?

J: Yes, they were created to be the servants of these people. They're loved though. When one gets hurt or anything like that, the whole family gather to energize on that injured animal's part. They're treated like servants, but loved servants. Like the way we would treat a cat or a dog, show it love and care. They're very grateful for what these animals do, because they're considered more like animals than humans. Parts of the body are more like an animal, but basically, their faces are human like.

D: What about their behavior or their intellect.

J: Oh, they can speak and take instructions. They know simple things, yes, but nothing like the rest of the people do.

D: They're not as intelligent as the other humans, although they do look partially human.

J: They're not gross looking or anything like that. They look very natural, and they're taken good care of. And they were very appreciated, and were told they were loved. I see this one servant that made up the fruit platter. And this woman takes it and kisses her and strokes her head, because in the head area there are little horns. And she rubs those horns like this, (hand motions) and she says, "Oh, you're so great. Look at this, this is wonderful. It looks so pretty. Everyone is going to love it. And why don't you come on out afterward and ..." And they all come up afterward and they're loved by the rest of the family. They're treated like a loving pet would be.

D: Can these creatures genetically reproduce, or are they one of a kind?

J: No, they can't reproduce. People buy them. Each one of them is individual, but they are mass marketed. They have places where you can go and buy these creatures so that they'll be of service.

After awakening John described the creature in the kitchen, which was the last thing he remembered. It had a face that was part cow like and part human. As though a human had the nose of a cow and small horns coming out of its head. It was wearing a bib type garment over the top part of its body, because it was apparently female.

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