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Who Is Anna, Mother of Mary? Why Is She So Often Present in Energy Healing Sessions?

Who Is Anna, Mother of Mary?

Saint Anne, also known as Anna, is a significant figure in Christian tradition, particularly in relation to the birth of the Virgin Mary. While the details of her life are not extensively documented in the canonical Gospels of the Bible, she plays an important role in apocryphal texts and popular devotion. Devotion to Saint Anne grew throughout history, and she became a popular saint, especially in the medieval period. She is regarded as the patroness of women in labor, mothers, grandmothers, and those seeking intercession for family-related matters. Many churches and shrines around the world are dedicated to her.

Saint Anne's feast day is celebrated on July 26th in the Roman Catholic Church and on July 25th in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Devotion to her remains strong in various Christian communities, with believers seeking her intercession and guidance in matters of family, motherhood, and fertility.

The Golden Legend, written by Jacobus de Voragine in the 13th century, includes the story of Saint Anne. It provides a narrative of Anne's life, her marriage, and her devotion to God. It also recounts the miraculous birth of Mary and includes details about Anne's life after Mary's birth.

Many Healers Channel the Energy of Anna in their healing sessions. Why is this?

When we speak about Anna in the context of energy healing, we are not speaking only about a lady who lived on this planet 2000 years ago, but we are speaking about an Energy Being, something, that we don’t know much about.

Being Anna, mother of Mary, was merely one incarnation of that Being, that Power, that was behind that which we know as Anna.

As an Ascended Master Anna offers you her help when

  • you suffer from your family’s high expectations

  • you want to do family constellation work

  • you have a weak first chakra

  • you want to solve karmic burdens of your family

  • you are burdened by events of former generations

  • you want to dissolve family secrets without exactly knowing them

  • you are influenced by family pressure

  • you have taken on karmic burdens of your lineage

(Ingrid Auer)

It appears to me that she is often present, when a person has things on his/her shoulders, that were given from home: Mostly limiting beliefs. You don’t need to carry that anymore. You took that because you didn’t know you had a choise. Now you have a choise. Stand up and go!

Ascended Master Anna is available to help humanity to cut cords and to lighten up.

Legend of Saint Anne

There is a legend called the "Legend of Saint Anne". It recounts that Saint Anne traveled to Britain with Mary, the mother of Jesus, after the crucifixion. They are said to have settled in Glastonbury, where they established a sacred site known as Glastonbury Abbey. The legend also claims that Saint Anne was the first abbess of Glastonbury Abbey.

According to the legend, Joseph of Arimathea, uncle of Jesus (was he Jesus’ uncle, we don’t know for sure), also traveled to Britain after the crucifixion. He is said to have brought the Holy Grail, the cup used by Jesus during the Last Supper, with him.

- Was King Arthur Arcturian?

- Yes.

(Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka)

granmother of Jesus, Lady Anna, Saint Anna, Ascended Master Anna, Anna mother of Mary

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